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Guest crobinc840
  On 21/12/2010 at 20:49, hern said:
  On 21/12/2010 at 20:42, crobinc840 said:
  On 21/12/2010 at 20:30, hern said:

joedogs your a SCUMBAG DOG THIEF, Ive been told that off two people who I trust and respect.



Why did you decide to join a post that he was associated with asking to see pics, just wondering? Do you have pictures of pups or dogs with that look of your own?


Yes Ive got plenty pics thankyou :thumbs:


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I've missed most of this thread out, but you are saying Hern you don't want anything to do with dog thieves yet I gather from the thread you keep minshaw lurchers so even though you haven't met him yo

Evidently not as full of shit as you with your less than 1/4 minshaw what is more like the old stuff than the old stuff

Not that the post concerned you....He asks the same question over and over     Your pups are fine looking pups, but probably have less than 1/4 of the original "old stuff" in them but your saying

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Well sorry lads but this is what it comes down to all the time. :wallbash: An surprise, surprise the only person causing trouble on the thread is one that throws out pups with the MINSHAW brand on them. :wallbash: Some bad,bad people in this game an its AMAZING the lenghs some people will go to hear what they want to hear. Theres no wonder you wouldnt come clean, between replys it must have been hard listening to ANDY chewing your EAR off on the phone. An ANDY you have just shown your true colours as per usual. . :icon_redface: Well done lads it only took 20 pages for use to open your mouths. One word for the lot of you COWARDS. .



Thanks for the genuine replys lads theres some decent lookers out there. . :thumbs:

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:aggressive: this has gone so far of what the thread started of to be :thumbdown::thumbdown: as i said before sort it out in a field before the thread falls apart,there was a thread started recently MINSHAWS IN IRELAND,and all the irish lads could talk without any of this crap,get a grip for fucksake

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  On 21/12/2010 at 20:53, hern said:
  On 21/12/2010 at 20:51, no1 jibber said:
  On 21/12/2010 at 20:45, joedog said:

There,s nothing worse than jealousy :thumbdown:

i think every outsider watching this tread can see that mate.



You aprove of dog thiefs then jibber?

its like watching a game of chance ..

c;mon hern,tell us more..

who will crack first..

love it...............

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  On 21/12/2010 at 20:54, SHanded. . said:

Well sorry lads but this is what it comes down to all the time. :wallbash: An surprise, surprise the only person causing trouble on the thread is one that throws out pups with the MINSHAW brand on them. :wallbash: Some bad,bad people in this game an its AMAZING the lenghs some people will go to hear what they want to hear. Theres no wonder you wouldnt come clean, between replys it must have been hard listening to ANDY chewing your EAR off on the phone. An ANDY you have just shown your true colours as per usual. . :icon_redface: Well done lads it only took 20 pages for use to open your mouths. One word for the lot of you COWARDS. .



Thanks for the genuine replys lads theres some decent lookers out there. . :thumbs:


Anyone who condones stealing dogs is no better than a DOG THIEF :thumbdown:

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I think theres crossed wires here shanded because hern doesnt throw out pups to sell to people with any tag on them he breeds for himself and close friends for the lines to carry on and the dogs to get grafted and also culled if they dont make the grade. He was kind enough to offer me one of his pups a while back and I will never forget that kindness. He is one of the genuine ones as far as Im concerned :thumbs:


With regard to the 2 blue dogs the pup and adult having similar faces, I would say they do :yes: , but in the grand scheme of things does it really matter? the only thing that matters is that the working ability remains the same quality and calibre throughout the lines down the years, as long as the dogs work well then it doesnt matter whats on the outside what colour shape or size they are does it? :thumbs:

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  On 21/12/2010 at 20:53, hern said:
  On 21/12/2010 at 20:51, no1 jibber said:
  On 21/12/2010 at 20:45, joedog said:

There,s nothing worse than jealousy :thumbdown:

i think every outsider watching this tread can see that mate.



You aprove of dog thiefs then jibber?



wheres your proof? surely you can back this hear say up!! just trying to make these lads look bad but its having the oposite effect, its you who looks a jelouse childish one :yes:

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  On 21/12/2010 at 21:04, timber said:
  On 21/12/2010 at 20:59, hern said:

Come on joedogs lets hear you try and defend yourself :thumbdown:

He doesn't need to defend himself Hern as the law stands it's innocent untill proven guilty , and one man calling you a dog theif doesn't prove you guilty :wallbash:


He stole a dog FACT. Ask him.

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  On 21/12/2010 at 21:02, HiLost said:

I think theres crossed wires here shanded because hern doesnt throw out pups to sell to people with any tag on them he breeds for himself and close friends for the lines to carry on and the dogs to get grafted and also culled if they dont make the grade. He was kind enough to offer me one of his pups a while back and I will never forget that kindness. He is one of the genuine ones as far as Im concerned :thumbs:


With regard to the 2 blue dogs the pup and adult having similar faces, I would say they do :yes: , but in the grand scheme of things does it really matter? the only thing that matters is that the working ability remains the same quality and calibre throughout the lines down the years, as long as the dogs work well then it doesnt matter whats on the outside what colour shape or size they are does it? :thumbs:


Hes not that GENUINE pal DIGGING DIRT up to try an make himself feel good an all because he sees a thread he has no answer to. He might be a genuine one in your eyes, but in my EYES people like him get called COWARDS where am from. . :thumbs:

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ANOTHER puppy selling topic,

look ive seen many a new era minshaw run and beleave me there shite i seen the mother to the latest chester pups pull up on rabbits and the other mother was walked down the farm yard and shot after 1 litter as she didnt take on the 2nd litter and she also was 8 yrs old and proberly caught 80 rabbits at the most in her carreer,

also had minshaw dogs here of pack of dogs and barker stuff and honsestly i wouldnt give the pups away there shit we paid £600 for 2 pups yea fool me i know all to jack,

also seen 1 stalk a rabbit for nearly 90 seconds :thumbs:

andy proberly did have good dogs he gets out but this shite coming from leigh is that shite and anyone who buys into there shit just tell em to let the dogs talk as await 1 to run one of mine yet as they back out and hide ,,,now lets not get into name callin let one person tell me iam lieing

did timbers dog lilly jack on rabbits after havin the best pups,

did dannis dog take 90 seconds to get to a rabbit.

did barkers dog collapse down south after catching 4 out of 45 rabbits

did mb feck of his wispa as it jacked on rabbits

and did mb give a pup back after he saw its mother pull up on rabbits,

dont want to get in a war of words a simple yes or no will do............

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