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  On 20/12/2010 at 12:00, baz said:

i could be wrong here, im sure ill be corrected if i am... were rambo,nigger, traveller, obe,conan, all the same way bred???and a dog called black jack and tyson??out of blue x grip???? and they were half bro and sister?



Rambo,Traveller,Oboe were the same way bred Baz but the other's weren't BlackJack which Mark owned was out of Blue and a Greyhound,Nigger was out of Blue's brother and a bitch called Sally owned by Hento a Collie/Grey x Deer/Grey and Conan was out of Blue and his half sister,not sure about the Tyson dog,Joe will probably fill you in with his breeding? :thumbs:

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I've missed most of this thread out, but you are saying Hern you don't want anything to do with dog thieves yet I gather from the thread you keep minshaw lurchers so even though you haven't met him yo

Evidently not as full of shit as you with your less than 1/4 minshaw what is more like the old stuff than the old stuff

Not that the post concerned you....He asks the same question over and over     Your pups are fine looking pups, but probably have less than 1/4 of the original "old stuff" in them but your saying

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cheers for reply, tyson was bluex grip my mate had her another mate had a bitch from them that only died a couple of year ago. must of been about 250 year old :laugh: ....its a shame all the arguin goes on with these dogs... genuine question this, to anyone . stating from scratch as of now... do you think any of the minshaw x dogs now, could any of them take the numbers(or find) the numbers like youse used to..?

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  On 20/12/2010 at 12:12, baz said:

cheers for reply, tyson was bluex grip my mate had her another mate had a bitch from them that only died a couple of year ago. must of been about 250 year old :laugh: ....its a shame all the arguin goes on with these dogs... genuine question this, to anyone . stating from scratch as of now... do you think any of the minshaw x dogs now, could any of them take the numbers(or find) the numbers like youse used to..?


It's a difficult question really Baz? Personally i genuinely think the bitch we had confiscated last year which Joe Ox bred out of my old dog and a bitch Joe owned out of his dog Moscow the litter brother to my dog Jack may seriously of been upto the task,she had some engine on her,i NEVER seen her bottomed and she ran some gear,she was only in her second season so the sky could of been the limit with her? If i'm being truthful i don't think i have the desire or want to do what i used to do with the dogs lol,so for me i'd say i have no chance of reaching the day's of yesteryear no matter what dog i have in my kennel :no: ..perhaps my lads or some other young gun and their jukels might be upto the task though? I think finding the gear would be tough enough these days let alone having the dog in pristine nick and weather conditions to suit..to be lucky enough to have all those factors in your favour and having the dog good enough to do it then you'd maybe be better off buying a lottery ticket haha..good question for the youth me thinks lol. :thumbs:

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your not wrong there andy, i know my bitch wont see the numbers some of these dog's saw back then, it's not easy these day's puting numbers infront of them and that's if i can find the time. i think she will do well enough to keep me happy,

so far so good anyway.... i was talking to timber today about this subject (old type) and like we was saying, when people

quote the old stuff they always mention the same dog's, rambo,,traveler,,blue,,nigger etc yet there was alot more dog's around than them, some of them would have been heavy but im sure not all of them, so how do you see these pup's of today??

ive only seen the older stuff in photo's so i wouldnt like to compare, i know this bitch of mine is bigger than most of the stuff off JB she is 25", what % minshaw she is im not even going to hazzard a guess, i know lass was half macfee (even though he wont admit it) yet lass and a few of her litter out of chester are sturdier than some of the other stuff he has bred... timber (mark w) has kept a pup out of lilly x chester and his pup is very sturdy looking,,, time will tell thats for sure....

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  On 20/12/2010 at 13:10, dazzz said:

your not wrong there andy, i know my bitch wont see the numbers some of these dog's saw back then, it's not easy these day's puting numbers infront of them and that's if i can find the time. i think she will do well enough to keep me happy,

so far so good anyway.... i was talking to timber today about this subject (old type) and like we was saying, when people

quote the old stuff they always mention the same dog's, rambo,,traveler,,blue,,nigger etc yet there was alot more dog's around than them, some of them would have been heavy but im sure not all of them, so how do you see these pup's of today??

ive only seen the older stuff in photo's so i wouldnt like to compare, i know this bitch of mine is bigger than most of the stuff off JB she is 25", what % minshaw she is im not even going to hazzard a guess, i know lass was half macfee (even though he wont admit it) yet lass and a few of her litter out of chester are sturdier than some of the other stuff he has bred... timber (mark w) has kept a pup out of lilly x chester and his pup is very sturdy looking,,, time will tell thats for sure....



Daz,you know how i rated the Chester dog,not just because i bred him (didn't own him) but i ran the dog throughout his career from day one until his final shift,the dog was a machine and if his offspring are even half as good then they will be as good as most :thumbs: .I honestly rate the dog as good as any that i've ever seen..from yesteryear to present day,he done EVERYTHING as you'd want a running dog to do,i have seen dogs with a little more staying power than him but trust me he'd catch more than anyone person could dream of carrying lol,i'm sure the youngsters you have will make real good grafters and at the end of the day NO matter what they look like?,it's what they put in the bag that counts :thumbs: ..my old dog Bulpa was the most ugly dog you'd ever see but he caught a phenomenal amount of game even to the extent of catching more than my second and third most catching dogs put together :notworthy: ..so no matter how big,robust,barrel chested,big heads,thick legs they have it's not one of those single factors alone that what will fill the bag? Atb and good luck to you guys with the young dogs :thumbs:

Edited by poacherspocket22
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Cheers Andy for the comments. :thumbs: Joe has said alot good things about (Nigga). You know my view on the MINSHAW dogs of today as we had a chat not long back. I wasnt even goin to have a pup off Joe until i seen how much his pup had thrown to the older stuff. I know its got alot of growing to do but you can defo see the resemblace. IMO. You can see these pups are goin to be strong uns BUT Troy an a few other dogs out of the DAMs litter are big strong dogs. JB told me the pups look like BULL Xs :11: I just laughed. These pups definatly have the right stuff in them but only time will tell if they make the grade. Do you have any pictures of pups that have thrown to the likes of the Rambos, traveller, blue, or any others that where a similar stamp to these. .



All the Best SHanded. . :thumbs:

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fair comment andy, i was just curious what you thought of these pup's today (stamp) i know you rated chester up there with the best dog's you have seen, so he must have been some dog, like i say i cant compare my pup to the old stuff as i didnt see them in the flesh (only chester), it doesnt realy bother me if she is nowt like the old stuff, i was just asking the question for the sake of the post (and it oviously interest's me as well)and to answer single handed's question, im sure single handed will agree it's not look's that catch gear but it's an interesting post none the less, well when you dont get the prick's adding there shit it is,,, atb daz

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100% Agree dazzz looks defo dont catch stuff. . :thumbs: You know what must annoy people? When people ask for %s of the breeding i wouldnt know where to start if someone ask me the %s of Troy. :icon_redface:, an now Joesw bred from his litter sister jesus christ theres alot stuff in there Blood. These pups are a prime example of a BITZA :11: The father of the pups isnt even a full Minshaw but you can see the Minshaw has come out in JOEDOGS pup. My opinion is when people ask for percentages on Minshaw dogs or any other lurcher that has been bred lurcher/lurcher then to answer this you would have to be Carol Vorderman. :11:


All the Best. .

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Yeah,plenty of pics S/H i will put some on for you to have a gander at :thumbs: i wonder if Joe can remember Rambo's brother that went down your way (Lancs) as a puppy? It was a white and black dog much the same as a bitch i have now pictured below ..





the dog i'm speaking of was nothing like Rambo,obviously those that recall Rambo knew what a powerhouse of a dog he was,nigh on 90lb in weight, a head like a bucket and all BUT his litter brother (only 3 in the litter) was 31 inch and built like a giraffe,obviously their dam was half Greyhound,did this dog get his size and frame from that?, i don't really know but it just shows how there really isn't and never was a "standard" type of Minshaw bred lurcher?

Edited by poacherspocket22
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  On 20/12/2010 at 14:01, poacherspocket22 said:

Just to add folks,this is Blue's sire Nipper and his sire Rip..dogs of only 24 1/2 inch and barely 21 1/2 inch..old types or not then? This is where they descended from?


Nipper and Rip



I think this is where the Minshaw dog loses a few people INCLUDING MYSELF :icon_redface: . You can see where rambo, traveller, an blue get there look from when you look at that Nipper. I mean look at Bulpa that you owned you wouldnt even relate the dog. When i asked for pictures mate i meant dogs of today an do any resemble the likes of Rambo, Traveller, an the other big strong Minshaw dogs. Not pictures from 25 years ago. . I have seen enough of them at Joes. . :whistling:



All the Best SHanded . . :thumbs:

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most of the pictures i,ve seen on this tread none of them look like the next ,so 2 me minshaws is,nt a breed its a brand,like S.H he could,nt tell you what % in his pup is minshaw, so 2 me all these are lurcher 2 lurcher ,worker 2 worker .

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