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Guest crobinc840

My friends dog had become very ill and died. We found out the neighbours had put poison out for mice and the dog ate the mice. Have you looked around outside to make sure it's not something they were given or found? Best of luck with your dogs. :thumbs:

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Have heard from a few people - couple that work in a vets

that there is a gastro bug going round, its knocking dogs for six.


Might be worth you giving some natural yought to them daily

just to help there guts get back up and running.

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Another update.

Our boy is fine and doing well almost up to his normal amount of food (he's lost about 3kg of weight).Callie still not right. Nothing has shown up on the bloods so now waiting for results from stool tests. Callie has also lost the best part of 3kg. Here's hoping.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Last post I hope for this. After a few very worrying weeks our girl is now almost back to her normal self She can be moody so we know she's okay :D ). She now just needs to put her weight back on. Vets seem to think it was just a very bad GI infection which took her a while to shift.

Thanks again for all your words and advice.



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Glad to hear things are improving, keep a close eye for a few weeks as occasionally there can be a reoccurrence of bacterial gastro enteritis/colitis. I’d keep to a simple diet as poss for a while, just the complete. Natural yogurt may help but only if inserted via the rectum but dairy products are perhaps not the best idea at the mo.

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Glad to hear things are improving, keep a close eye for a few weeks as occasionally there can be a reoccurrence of bacterial gastro enteritis/colitis. I’d keep to a simple diet as poss for a while, just the complete. Natural yogurt may help but only if inserted via the rectum but dairy products are perhaps not the best idea at the mo.



It is medicaly advised - by doctors, to take natural yogurt whilst you are taking AB's

or after you have been on AB's, antibiotics destroy all the probiotics in your GI tract,

by taking Natural yogurt, it can replace whats been distroyed, there is verry little evadence of natural yoguht

causeing problems in dogs, there are thousends of people including myself, who have fed it to there dogs at one time or another.



Decreases Antibiotic Side Effects

Antibiotics kill bacteria in the body, both the good and the bad. While antibiotics are a crucial therapy for many illnesses, they can cause the demise of “friendly†flora. They can also produce unpleasant side effects such as diarrhea. Ingestion of L. acidophilus can reduce the likelihood of these side effects. A study conducted among healthy volunteers taking 400 mg of erythromycin showed that those who ate yogurt containing Lactobacillus probiotics exhibited fewer instances of diarrhea than those who ingested pasteurized yogurt. (8) Diarrhea is sometimes reported as a side effect among infants and young children who have been administered antibiotics for respiratory infections. L. acidophilus, when used as a prophylactic, decreases the likelihood of diarrhea among these young subjects. (9)

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