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poison in NZ

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Hey guys Help us out over here please this is to oppose a poison scheme for wild pigs, I dont know if international submission's count but they cant hurt especially with the number of people on here Below I will copy and paste a post detailing the poison information below it is a template to e-mail your submission and a e-mail address.



Its only takes 2 minutes thanks Chris

http://www.erma.govt.nz/consultations/mansubmission.html read the bottom of this page then go onto this site, email them using there address at the bottom of the page.



Application Summary

Application number:

ERMA200570, ESN containing sodium nitrate at 950 g/kg and Bait containing sodium nitrite at 100 g/kg

Application type:

Notified, Importation or manufacture for release, Category B

Applicant contact:

Jeanette Drysdale


Connovation Limited

PO Box 58 613


Manukau City 2141


To manufacture ESN containing sodium nitrite at 950 g/kg and a Bait containing sodium nitrite at 100 g/kg to be used as Vertebrate Toxic Agents.

Date formally received:

1 November 2010

Application Summary prepared by Connovation Limited

The ESN is encapsulated sodium nitrite and to be used as a raw material in the manufacture of a VTA baits. ESN has hazardous classifications of 5.1.1C, 6.1C, 6.4A, 6.6B, 6.9B, 9.1A and 9.3B. The hazard classifications for ESN trigger the HSNO Default Controls for an Approved Handler or Tracking. The encapsulation of the sodium nitrite masks the bitter salty taste. The ESN is to be used to manufacture a bait containing sodium nitrite at 100 g/kg for use as a VTA for possum and feral pig control. The bait has hazardous classifications of 6.1D, 6.4A, 6.6B, 6.9B, 9.1B and 9.3C. The encapsulation of the sodium nitrite has been shown to give improved palatability of the sodium nitrite in bait to the target species and the observations on test animals have shown the bait to be humane and effective as a VTA. The ESN and Bait containing sodium nitrite at 100 g/kg can be disposed of by burying or by incineration.

Sodium nitrite is used as a preservative additive in some meat products. People ingest nitrates and nitrite daily in food and drinking water. Excessive levels of nitrites from diet or if in case accidental poisoning will result in the conversion of haemoglobin to methaemoglobin in the blood resulting in symptoms that can include paleness, lethargy, dizziness, vomiting and unconsciousness before death. Methylene blue is available as an antidote. Human exposure to nitrite should not occur following the proposed use as a VTA as a hand-laid bait in bait stations. In the event of an accident, humans or non-target animals treated promptly with the antidote, can fully recover. Nitrite is a naturally occurring ion which is part of the nitrogen cycle. Sodium nitrite will biodegrade and is not bioaccumulative or persistent in the environment. The bait is also coloured green as a deterrent to birds.

Sodium nitrite has benefits when compared to existing approved toxins as it does not bioaccumulate in animal tissue which may lead to a risk of secondary poisoning of non-target animals, e.g. dogs, and nor is it persistent in the environment. Targeting of the red blood cell with a toxin at a dose that induces a rapid lethal methaemoglobinaemia has been identified as a humane method of culling unwanted pest mammals. Sodium nitrite as ESN, is also identified as being significantly more humane in its effects on target species than some other toxins used in existing VTA products. With regards to welfare it is on a par with the most humane toxin used for possum control, namely cyanide, but is slower acting, which will allow

for administration of the antidote in cases of accidental poisoning. The encapsulation of the sodium nitrite has been a significant development with the benefit of disguising the adverse taste associated with the sodium nitrite active that can be a deterrent to the target pests In addition there has been research to minimise the risk to non-target species from paste bait by use of bait stations and pre-feeding. Purpose designed bait stations have been designed for pig baiting that will reduce non-target interference and contact with bait. It is also proposed that the paste bait would be restricted to ground-based control operations and use in bait stations as this would also reduce the risk to non-target species.

Possums are trapped and poisoned for fur recovery, but this is not enough to meet Tb eradication and conservation goals. The possum remains the major economic and conservation pest species in New Zealand and there are many benefits derived from reducing the possum population, particularly in areas where fur harvesting is not being undertaken. Extensive possum control over the past years has been the main driver for a substantial reduction in bovine Tb levels in New Zealand’s cattle and deer herds. However this has been heavily dependent on 1080 use so an alternative less hazardous toxicant for ground control pest operations would be beneficial particularly if the ecotoxicity hazard was lower and the concern about secondary poisoning risks, particularly to dogs, could be alleviated.

There are no toxins currently registered for feral pig control. In many areas of the country, pigs are an important resource for hunting, and where they are a nuisance they can be controlled by skilled shooting and dogging. In some instances, where Tb is rife, where farmers are having problems controlling feral pigs or where pigs are causing conservation problems such spreading the pathogens for kauri dieback, discrete toxic baiting in a purpose designed bait station will provide a new and important tool. When considering a new toxin that can target animals like possums and pigs, a humane death has been identified as a very important feature and benefit. Furthermore any sub-lethally exposed animals will very quickly eliminate sodium nitrite residues.Submission on a notified application


alright this is what you need on your email submission


To: ERMA New Zealand

PO Box 131

Wellington 6140


Email submissions@ermanz.govt.nz




Once your submission has been received the submission becomes a public document and may be made publicly available to anyone who requests it


Submission on application number:



Name of submitter or

contact for joint submission:


Organisation name

(if on behalf of an organisation):



Postal address:






Telephone number:



□I wish to keep my contact details confidential





The reasons for making my submission are :


○ I support the application ○ I oppose the application ○ I neither support or oppose the










○ I wish to be heard in support of my submission

(this means that you can speak at the hearing)


○ I do not wish to be heard in support of my submission

(this means that you cannot speak at the hearing)



I wish ERMA New Zealand to make the following decision:







this is what you could right on your submission.[/b


]i am against this company importing and using this poision ESN containing sodium nitrate at 950 g/kg and Bait containing sodium nitrite at 100 g/kg. as i am a dedicated pig hunter that regards wild pigs as a valuble resource for recreation as well as a important indicater for T.B in this country. which has been proven by the animal health board and tokoroa pig hunting club.with successfull operations on molesworth station and kinleith forest. with over 30,000 pighunters in New Zealand control buy hunting is by far more beneficial for the community as well as a cheaper option than spreading poision. you only need to purchace 1 of the many NZ pighunting magazines to see photos of hundreds of young hunters proudly displaying there trophy pigs. to see that this sport has such an important role in our society building character and responsibility in our younger generation. these poisoning operations cannot be allowed to happen.


you are welcome to copy this or add more if you want.

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