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spaniel travel sickness

Guest ferreting king

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Guest ferreting king

when ever my spnaiel bitch in in the dog box and the car is not moving she is as happy as larry but as soon as the car starts moving she starts crying and after about 20 -30 mins she spews everywhere. ive heard that you can have tablets that help but they can cause the dog to feel drowsy which i dont want so have you got any suggestions to what may help her concour her fear of traveling

Edited by ferreting king
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Is this a new thing or has it always happened ?


Do you feed her before you take her ?


Is she a pup ?


Has she travelled much ?


Mate theres a million things it could be and i know as ive just been through it,


My dog didnt like travelling, wouldnt jump into the back of my warrior, i had a cage so i changed it for a K9 Transit box, first time out in it not much difference, took all my dogs one day, Spaniel one side, whippet and terrier other side, lurcher wedged outside the box, never had any trouble with the spaniel since, jumps up now on command, still a bit sheepish when he gets out and drools a little but hes much better.


But looking back he came from a trainer who always had at least three dogs in transit and had a nice solid enclosed box, my cage probably jangled like a bunch of keys and slid around like on an ice rink. Only little things but the are easily affected by new environments.


cheers bob

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Guest ferreting king

it has always happend

shes 2 years old

she has traveled a lot

i dont feed her the night before we go

she has always been sick so i gave her time just to get used to travelling but she hasnt changed

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Guest ferreting king
Try taking her for a VERY small drive once a day, just for a minute.


It worked with my old dog.


cheers i will try

shes not nerves in the dog box when she is sitting in the car but as soon as we move she starts crying

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