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trio yesterday

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Called in to see a landowner that ive not been to for a while ,its where i shot the very tall spiker for those dedicated followers,lol.

He insisted that he took me around the farm as hes one or two deer about [understatement]

We went in the truck but i wish wed walked as we bumped a good few off the land as its only 150 acres in all.We saw 14 roe in all including three cast bucks but mostly does .The body weights this year are very good despite the cold spell and from what i saw these were no exceptions .Drove back to the farm and had a cuppa and a chat then i got ready and set off on foot to where i saw a line of 7 deer in a hedgerow sat down.Many of you i know will be thinking how easy it is down here and sometimes it can but imagine seven pairs of eyes potentialy on you and you may see a different picture.I entered a gateway cautiously where i had seen them all before and sure enough they were all sat down on the far hedgerow.A retreat and a think and a plan was devised to stalk down the blind side a the hedge away from the deer and crawl up a dryish ditch that finished about 90 yds from them to a shooting position . Very slow work but has to be done if success is to be achieved .Reached a point at which i could see the deer and glassed the row of cud chewing heads .A buck was nearest with fresh casting marks and then a trio of youngster followed by what appeared to be three adult does judging by the dark winter coats and the cream gorgets.Bit further towards them and i see a deer run out in the field but a buck in antler so either it was unseen and the game is up or hes a new animal and just arrived . I was behind a row of hawthorn bushes so glassing was out and i had to continue my stalk in the hope it was the second option .Need not have worried as the heads came into view still sat but now alert as they watched the buck no doubt.I inched the rifle over the ditch top and lead against the side ,a bit awkward to be honest but the scope was steady .One of the doe followers was back in the hedge abit more than the rest so she was the target and the safest as the hedge bottem rose up a bit behind her .Shot her and as you can imagine there was a mad scramble but no bolting luckily as they didnt have a clue as to where the shot came from .They sauntered out into the field and provided another shot with a grass backstop .A mature doe fell to a chest shot at well beyond a hundred yards and i was about to take another when they took off.The last doe ran for the hedge she was sat under but fell dead as she reached it .I gave the other deer a moment to clear the field then made in to check the fallen ,going to the far doe first as there was no way the first was getting up.Found the second doe had a fresh wound to her side ,probably from barb wire.


Gralloched to find a decent lung shot .


Walked back to farm as i had a meeting to go to but told the farmer i would be back later for another go .

Arrived back at 3.30 ,not ideal time to start winter stalking but there it is .

Did a reverse sweep this time and glassed a lone doe sat against some bramble beads .Stalked in to a bout 70 yds when she stood up and stretched for a pee .Let her finish and shot her off sticks in the chest .A bit high really but a dead beast all the same and no running on .Another big doe with stacks of fat around the organs and slightly pedicled too .


Farmer very happy and gave me orders to come back plus the addresses of neighbouring farmers who are fed up with the deer as well .Cant be bad, eh :victory::victory: .

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Finishing the year with a flourish again FD. Do you keep a record of fox/deer over the years?

Yes mate -94 deer from last christmas and 51 foxes so far same period .Last year was very similar but the year before that saw 175 deer grassed and 79 foxes shot .Time is the only factor against good bags here and not lack of game mate

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Finishing the year with a flourish again FD. Do you keep a record of fox/deer over the years?

Yes mate -94 deer from last christmas and 51 foxes so far same period .Last year was very similar but the year before that saw 175 deer grassed and 79 foxes shot .Time is the only factor against good bags here and not lack of game mate



That's because it is about 'control' and not 'ANNIHILATION'



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