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guard dog

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Regarding pit dogs,to use the expression " quitting " in relation to protection is plain wrong.....a dog who would take its death doing what it was bred to do is no quitter just because it refuses or

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the thing with shepards is their not fight driven,if theres acouple of people there and while ones getting attacked the other gives the dog kickin they'll jib,very good for chasing down and catching a single person who is running away though. if i needed a serious guard dog i'd go for a high fight drive, low rank drive bandog http://chimerakennels.com/
for a guard dog rottie or shepherd but personal protection for family a bandogge type for me
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no offence mate but if that was true dead game pit-dog's of old would of been 10 a penny.


dog's have a strong instinct to survive,make it feel enough stress and even most of the pit-dogs of old would quit,let alone a gsd.


Non taken mate i'm just going off my bitch. For instance, she was shit scared of my dad because he was a c**t haha but wudn't of backed down to him if i asked.

I know what you mean tho mate, a lad set his pitbull onto my pall and it wudn't come off him. Only way it was stopped was by squirting amonia up it's nose and in its eyes. Other than that only a bullet would stop a dog lyk that in its tracks. We are talking guard dogs not attack dogs and if you cant get onto the property to make the dog quit then the dogs done its job. Then it's up to you to deal with the intruder :thumbs:

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what i meant was even lots of the old pit-dogs would quit eventually.

the only ones who proved they'd never give up died giving it theyre all i.e dead game



what about kangal's, they are supposed to be very good guard dogs, big strong dogs with a lot of drive+healthy for big dogs.They are (natural guards)that will fight wolves if need be, so they must have some bottle.? :thumbs:

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I wouldn't choose a staff as a guard dog . . . a genuine staff is never people aggressive, or shouldn't be. That said there is plenty of "staffs" being bred and mixed with all kinds of shit to achieve that "look" init! :wallbash: I would go for a well bred shepherd, rottie or doberman . . . .but again do your homework, there's a heap of shit around. :thumbs:


:yes: :yes: :yes:

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Guest crobinc840

what i meant was even lots of the old pit-dogs would quit eventually.

the only ones who proved they'd never give up died giving it theyre all i.e dead game



what about kangal's, they are supposed to be very good guard dogs, big strong dogs with a lot of drive+healthy for big dogs.They are (natural guards)that will fight wolves if need be, so they must have some bottle.? :thumbs:


I've only come across a few in the States and they are hard to train but if you could manage to do it they are great dogs. :thumbs:

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My american bulldog guards really well. he has no fear of people and will definately bite a intruder. but i can bring people in to house past him and he would not move. theres a couple of people he will never let into the house. all i can say is he is a good dog but i dont know about all american bulldogs. but its something different to have a look at atb :gunsmilie:



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so to say any dog will die for you if you treat right especially when you bare in mind even amongst the gamest breed of dog to ever exist, dogs that will take their death before quitting arent all that common.




Regarding pit dogs,to use the expression " quitting " in relation to protection is plain wrong.....a dog who would take its death doing what it was bred to do is no quitter just because it refuses or quits fighting a man ( a job it was not bred to do )

Pit dogs enjoy fighting another dog,they dont enjoy fighting a man so to expect the same willingness from both situations is unrealistic.

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i was just making the point that if 'any dog raised properly will die for you'

every single dog would (if it needed to) die dead game defending if you were attacked by another dog right?


or to put it another way,lots of the old game dog's would quit before dying,they were the gamest dogs to ever exist,so to say any dog (in this case a GSD) raised correctly will die for you is wrong.

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i was just making the point that if 'any dog raised properly will die for you'

every single dog would (if it needed to) die dead game defending if you were attacked by another dog right?


or to put it another way,lots of the old game dog's would quit before dying,they were the gamest dogs to ever exist,so to say any dog (in this case a GSD) raised correctly will die for you is wrong.



Agreed.....if a dog fails at what he was bred to do he is a poor specimen of his breed.....if he fails at something else he wasnt even bred for he cant even be judged good or bad.


I would imagine a gsd taking its death defending its owner is about as common/rare as a pit dog taking its death doing his thing......but then i think thats maybe what you was saying :D

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