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Injury's aside, how much difference is there between a fit and unfit dog? is it speed as well as stamina? and how much difference is there?


as i said when i found out i could run her it took about 1 1/2 month to get her fit from not being fit,


stamina is mostly bred in to a dog, it either has it or it dosnt, IMO fitness is a diffrent thing

altho a dog will be able to run for longer if its fitter and would be quicker if it not over weight




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Injury's aside, how much difference is there between a fit and unfit dog? is it speed as well as stamina? and how much difference is there?


as i said when i found out i could run her it took about 1 1/2 month to get her fit from not being fit,


stamina is mostly bred in to a dog, it either has it or it dosnt, IMO fitness is a diffrent thing

altho a dog will be able to run for longer if its fitter and would be quicker if it not over weight






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