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Dogs and the cold?

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Hello boys and girls,


A friend and I have an onging debate, and I wanted to know what you lot do in the extreme cold that we have had? My dogs live in my porch there isn’t any heating out there. And in the -10 weather we have had I put a heater out there to keep them warm. My mate reckons I am being soft…… But they’re not husky’s !!! :no:


If your dogs are kenneled do you make any extra effort to keep them warm?


My mate has his dogs in the garage, and my argument is that dogs find it difficult to keep weight on the cold…at least mine do anyway. :yes:


If your dogs are kenneled do you make any extra effort to keep them warm?


Am I just being soft? :o


Happy hunting



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mine live out 2 kenneled and one chained, i just keep them and theyre bedding dry and housing dry and draft free,if they are losing weight up the feed.


no problems so far if it gets below about -15 for any long period they will come in the house until it warms up.

imo the most important thing is definitely to keep them dry.

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Give em the best you can.....




Mine are in draught free boxs with pleaty of bedding, That mine sorted always up the food and fat content in there food cause if a dog is shivering in its box the weight/condition will fall off it.........

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