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anyone remember these mags?

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I did have the full lot of WT & RD but loaned them to a good friend who was seriously ill in hospital, he made a good recovery, I hope they helped and until now have never thought of asking for them back.


From what I remember it was produced in Wigan. Back then I was a member of the old Wigan dog club, which boasted a few well known faces of the terrier world. When the mag came out no one knew who had produced it, or their credentials in the working dog scene, a bit of a mystery but I did here that it was two ex coppers who had seen a nich in the market for a 'glossy' dog mag. They certainly produced one, with some fine articles too. I did here their offices were torched by the anti mob?? :hmm:

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I've got all the old Working Terrier mags, then it became the Working Terrier and Running Dog mag. Then it went mainstream and could be bought of the bookshelf in most newsagents and then it's offices were badly destroyed by a letter bomb from the Anti-scum.

Anyone remember that ????

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