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rabbits get in the strangest places

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went out with me mates on sunday to do a bit of ferreting , well the burys we had in mind were not that good had only 6 out of three large burys on to different bits of my permission then it came to us that last season we came across a small 8 hole bury bang in the middle of a factory car park, under a small square hedge, were we park sometimes the thing is the car park is massive not much vegitation for rabbits apart from inside the factroy fence about 200yards away , now we had said that we would try it for a laugh one day as the inside of this factory is covered with rabbits . The only way from the bury to the factory for the rabbits is over 200 yards of tarmac then a 4 yard strip of grass along the length of the massive electric fence ,so we new what to do LONGNET ,we netted up all along the fence the trap was set like a bottleneck , we new there were a large number of rabbits here but not how many in this bury ,anyway got the best 5 ferrets out entered them and waited ,nothing for about 10 minutes then all hell broke lose , we had been standing the other side of the bury so they would run HOPEFULLY down too the net but not much chance of that they came out so think and fast we all but one maned the net ,it was fantastic they came out in spits and spats but fairly constant for over 2 hours at this point i realised how big the bury must have been as the ferrets hadnt even showed yet ,well after what seemed like forever they started to show and we new it was coming to an end .We ended up with 23 from this mega bury and the 6 we had had earlyer was a great day and nearly dark when we left the moral of the story is that rabbits hold up in the weirdest of places none of us were expecting that many out of what seemed like a small bury has anyone else found them in weird places like this ?




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Thats rabbits for you i netted a seven holer the last time i was out twenty rabbits came out, 13 of them out of the unseen eighth hole (It was behind a bit of chain link in a hedge i couldnt get to it). i just had to laugh :laugh:


i have a pair of bolt cutters for the next time im back there

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yh its happened to be but not quite as good as that but we was out ferretin and it was a really cold day and we only had 2 and could not undersatnd were all the rabbits ad gone and then we found this 2 hole set got 3 out of that and but futher down found a one hole set and got 3 out of that and one dig but we spent all day looking for the rabbits


but well done and atb

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I had dogger out and we where in a old grave yard and the lurchers marking a old yew tree turns out they had wired all the branches up round the trunk and the centre was hollow .it was a good hidy hole for that rabbit but it wasn't good enough .:laugh:

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  On 14/12/2010 at 18:23, bush ewacker said:
  On 14/12/2010 at 17:46, The one said:

One place i do has a hollow tree in the middle of a burrow they come flying out five foot up the trunk of it

a bit off topic but on sunday i spotted a rabbit about 3ft up a tree eating the bark,has any one seen this before?



no but do some times see were the bark is missing on trees with burys round them

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