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Something else MUST of also mated with the Bitch :yes:.... There is NO WAY that Dog is what it is ALLEGED to be :no::no:

Mixed Litters DO OCCUR if the Bitch has stood for DIFFERENT Dogs :yes:


I am not saying for one minute that the Dog will be useless but.... it is not what it is alleged to be.



Hope he finds a good home and best wishes with the Little one :thumbs:

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this seems to have strayed off poor lasses posting of her dog for sale,if i was her id be pissed off............all the best with sale with your dog........dangergirl



I agree with you.


YES....THERE IS NO NEED to slag the Girl off in anyway..... she probably bought the Dog as what it is advertised at.

The person who bred the Litter may not even know his Bitch had been ' Caught ' by another Dog :hmm::hmm:


BUT.... The Dog is plainly NOT what it is alleged to be so it is so it should be advertised accordingly.


The Dog may make a handy little Ferreting/Mooching Dog for someone and hopefully.... she finds the right home for him :thumbs:

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