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Pups first day out ferreting

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I see your dressed for a days feretting :D


Good luck with the pup.




I was gonna say the same ... were you ferreting in a skirt? I like that - very cool! I thought I was the only one who wandered around in minis and wellies :laugh::D


Nice pictures too, well done :thumbs:

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a 12 week old pup out ferreting?????????? if a bloke had written it he would have been ripped to f**k!!!!!!!!!!!



Nothing wrong with taking a Pup of that age out Ferreting as long as you use some COMMON SENSE.

My ACD cross was taken out Ferreting at that age.....our Ferreting sessions were kept short and sweet.

He learnt from a Young age to ' Honour ' the Longnets etc.... an Adult Lurcher hitting the Longnet full bore does the Dog and Net no good at all.

As long as the sessions are short and sweet.....put up an extra bit of grub and take your Young Scholar out..... he/she will LEARN NOTHING stuck at home :thumbs:

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a 12 week old pup out ferreting?????????? if a bloke had written it he would have been ripped to f**k!!!!!!!!!!!


well, she wasn't actually ferreting, just watching, best way to learn IMO, she learnt to sit and wait and watch, just what parker does before he catches ;)


If you look on the pic of me crouched with her you can see she is on a lead, so not running around chasing anything, plus we werent putting nets up and down, so it was only 2hours we were out for. agree if she was walking for that long it would be too much for a 3month pup, but she just learnt to watch and be quiet. all valuable skills. we took parker out as soon as he had had his jabs and is brilliant ferreting.

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