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deerhound hunter

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Anyone who posts illegal topics will be removed... Some idiots just been removed asking whats the best dog for black and whites ??? Then others blab on about netting foxes and releasing them for dogs to rag... Idiots, all of them posting topics like that on an internet forum, they need to show some respect for what they hunt and the genuine hunters involved in fieldsports on here, there type do none of us any good :censored:


You see members posting stupid images of dogs on deer, lamping them, etc ....Report it.. We all should know whats legal, i.e the hunting act...


You see members, constantly putting genuine good posts down, and ruining them.... Report it..


If you want the site to improve, everyone needs to help.

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In this day and age we have to adjust. If you choose not to, then you may have to face certain consequences. Forget the old Hunting Life.


Yes it was great to post all our hunting excusions with all our catches included in the post, BUT our hunting has been ruined by a fair few people who have no RESPECT.


Some believe that they have to prove themselves on here.... all that you are proving is that you want to become a TARGET.


These forum rules are very easy to follow. There are no excuses to break them.








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In this day and age we have to adjust. If you choose not to, then you may have to face certain consequences. Forget the old Hunting Life.


Yes it was great to post all our hunting excusions with all our catches included in the post, BUT our hunting has been ruined by a fair few people who have no RESPECT.


Some believe that they have to prove themselves on here.... all that you are proving is that you want to become a TARGET.


These forum rules are very easy to follow. There are no excuses to break them.




Spot on Actic :clapper:. its not asking much of anyone to stay within the law on a Public forum! Big Brother is now always watching over us.

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Well done Ian.

Since coming back on here I am frankly staggered by some of the ridiculous and frankly moronic, ill concieved posts put up by some. Nobody agrees with the ban, we would all like to see it overturned but flaunting illegal behaviour is just daft, do people seriously think that the antis don't monitor these forums :wallbash:

For gods sake they quote some of the numpty comments posted on hunting sites in their own sites/propoganda, and they do

know names,and publish them, so hiding behind an Avatar and pseudonym means nothing


If folk think they are "sticking it up them" posting about now illegal matters or Tw@t behaviour, then they are sadly mistaken all they are doing is confirming the antis propoganda and portraying hunting in a bad light.


Silly Chavver talk and all this "pre ban" nudge nudge wink wink stuff...childish nonsense, that does more harm to the cause than LACS and co. can do.


Further to this when the gavvers (who also check this place out)come a knocking we will then see some half wit posting "Had a visit...took me dogs etc etc" No sh*t Sherlock! Well you were the dinilo that posted the pics or whatever.Its not rocket science.I recently saw a post where two "brain surgeons" recently had nice full face pics of themselves,dogs and quarry then went on to name locations etc etc brilliant! Do they issue ASBOS or whatever they are called for being a cretin?


For the information of LURCHER WORK, what was posted would have been illegal

"pre ban"(god I hate that phrase), baiting has been for many many many years.

If you and he are the kind of sad wee things that get all excited by that sort of thing then

A/I would shut the feck up about it on a public forum.Not everyone wants to be tarred with the same brush

B/You are NOT a hunter.

C/You need to seek psychological help.


Rant over

Edited by warrigal
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he anwsered by saying he got some foxes in nets and took them for he pups ,he could have been talking preban


What sort of muppet are you ...go read some comics and stop posting sh1te because everythime you do you look a biigger idiot

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