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Mike brown whippets?

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there was another topic on here a while back about mike and his whippets that went on and on and if i can remeber rightly the same people slagged him off on that aswell, could you lot name another breeder in the last 20 years that has done so much for the breed and sold so many good working whippets from any line than MIKE BROWN

Well if you have read ever reply as you say "Banatay, ,Moonlake,Laguna and Shalfleet all have proven successfull records in the field but refer to them as whippets :thumbs: mb coined the phrase working whippets in the recent past

As for mb breeding so many good working whippets try the whippet archive it lists all his offspring see how many named dogs you have heard of or recognise?

Y.I.S Leeview

before posting please read what i asked i will but it in capital letters (could you lot name another BREEDER in the last 20 years that has done so much for the breed and sold so many good working whippets from any line than MIKE BROWN) i am not asking about lines and yes i have read every reply p.s you have enough to say about mike i want to know about other breeders

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mike brown didnt become well known because he has worked his dogs, and thats a fact, he became well known because he used to sell his dogs using the "LAGUNA" name, (which wasnt/isnt his to use,) lyla

I have nothing against anyone breeding working dogs I do however hate people breeding working dogs that dont get them out and work them but will bull shit you when you get there and tell you they are

Bottom line im 24 iv only worked whippets for 12 years and raced greyhounds since i can remember i dont debate that a man breeding longer than i have lived will have forgoten more than i know but when

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his first 2 dogs were ss and gorwynne glissando both were bred in 1991 thats 19yrs ago and they would nt of been old enough to breed from that year


MB bought gorwyne glissando in when she was about 3 years old, a lad i knew owned her from a pup she was a great working bitch, after a marraiege problem she was rehomed then MB bought her in.


at the end of the day the bloke has done well out of whippets, some people love them some hate them but you cant knock the man he made sooty sam a name used all aroun the world and COULD OF SOLD ICE TO ESKIMO'S

There you go beddyx post 280 :thumbs:

Y.I.S Leeview

good on you finding it i knew you had to prove me wrong as i did not spot it
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before posting please read what i asked i will but it in capital letters (could you lot name another BREEDER in the last 20 years that has done so much for the breed and sold so many good working whippets from any line than MIKE BROWN) i am not asking about lines and yes i have read every reply p.s you have enough to say about mike i want to know about other breeders


Sorry beddyx but putting up peoples names isnt very clever in this day and age it does nt take a lot to trace peoples address from their name so forgive me for just putting up affixes


Y.I.S Leeview

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hi this is my first post on this topic, but have been reading every single reply since it started, in the last few replys( e.g tripletree,parkstone whippets and leeview you quote Mythical sooty sam) i am a bit confused here if you know what Mythical means are you saying that ss was not for real then.


If you go back and read my post you'll notice that I don't slag MB off at all I state that I think he breeds decent dogs and that I've got one myself but there's too many people without there own ideas out there copying his breeding programe . I don't use the word mythical but state that there is a

myth that there's only one type of working whippet and also that I have a non MB dog that is just as good if not better than my MB dog. I've got no axe to grind with noone I'd prefer to discuss the topic rather than get dragged into anything personal.

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leeview - fair enough i understand that, so i guess you posted that reply also because you dont know of any but i am only guessing that. p.s you are happy to post mikes name up, just one more do you actully know mike and have had a few deallings with him

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hi this is my first post on this topic, but have been reading every single reply since it started, in the last few replys( e.g tripletree,parkstone whippets and leeview you quote Mythical sooty sam) i am a bit confused here if you know what Mythical means are you saying that ss was not for real then.


If you go back and read my post you'll notice that I don't slag MB off at all I state that I think he breeds decent dogs and that I've got one myself but there's too many people without there own ideas out there copying his breeding programe . I don't use the word mythical but state that there is a

myth that there's only one type of working whippet and also that I have a non MB dog that is just as good if not better than my MB dog. I've got no axe to grind with noone I'd prefer to discuss the topic rather than get dragged into anything personal.

hi tripletree i would rather discuss this topic aswell but some on here want to turn it into a slanging match just about mike himself

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hi this is my first post on this topic, but have been reading every single reply since it started, in the last few replys( e.g tripletree,parkstone whippets and leeview you quote Mythical sooty sam) i am a bit confused here if you know what Mythical means are you saying that ss was not for real then.


If you go back and read my post you'll notice that I don't slag MB off at all I state that I think he breeds decent dogs and that I've got one myself but there's too many people without there own ideas out there copying his breeding programe . I don't use the word mythical but state that there is a

myth that there's only one type of working whippet and also that I have a non MB dog that is just as good if not better than my MB dog. I've got no axe to grind with noone I'd prefer to discuss the topic rather than get dragged into anything personal.

hi tripletree i would rather discuss this topic aswell but some on here want to turn it into a slanging match just about mike himself

I don't know about that but fairplay at the end of the day we all get out there and enjoy the finer things in life so there's no need to piss each other off.

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the simple rules and regulations of the late coursing clubs ,20inch or below .Was to try to keep breed type without coursnness ,whippety whipps , enables these dogs to work there hare to a better degree . we now have the american standards being portrayed has whippets , the real field whipps are still with us and thank fully we do have a few responsible breeders who ocasionally produce puppies of the right type . the english whippet.constant breeding to none other than show stock from different lines will get you a animal untypical to the breed type another words a cur.23inchdogs are not whipps in my estimation these dogs are reverting back to dogs in the make up of the dogs in this line ,It was seen has a large whipp at 21 but 23 pluss well if the owners of these dogs can believe they are in posesion of a whippet let it be this thread has never meant tobe seen has a put medown mr working whippet breeder but right his right no matter what the casual dog keeper thinks who might happen to own one of these curs.

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Guest Manitoba

its already been stated that some lines other than ss throw the odd large whippet does this mean them lines are cur breed? also look back in to the 40s and 50s mining village racing whippets huge dogs abound,, and hand on heart did EVERY dog fall below 20in and under to compete under rules ??? think 20 1/4 was acceptable even 20 1/2 if you knew the right folk ,,, little question mr bunny if you were judging a top whippet show final, do you pick the larger 21in cur which is sound and of superb conformation or the 20in dog not so well put together??? remembering the owner will breed cur puppies if you pick the larger cur whippet? :wallbash:

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its already been stated that some lines other than ss throw the odd large whippet does this mean them lines are cur breed? also look back in to the 40s and 50s mining village racing whippets huge dogs abound,, and hand on heart did EVERY dog fall below 20in and under to compete under rules ??? think 20 1/4 was acceptable even 20 1/2 if you knew the right folk ,,, little question mr bunny if you were judging a top whippet show final, do you pick the larger 21in cur which is sound and of superb conformation or the 20in dog not so well put together??? remembering the owner will breed cur puppies if you pick the larger cur whippet? :wallbash:



I used to course under rules with a well known club, in theory the 20" limit was in theory stricked but in reality it depended who you're freinds were or who you had recently sold a pup to, i've measured dogs for racing passports so knew them to be over 20" only to see them on the coursing field having been measured under 20" by the owners freind (Cheating).

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mr manitoba whippet types from the 30 40 50 and todays present day stock,of the type you make mention of were never registered or portrayed has a kennel club dog type these were animals bred purely on performanceusually on the track .IT his nonesense to try and compare the two,greyhound bull and one a two other breeds were added to the mix along the way and still his when and where required .the turm cur which obviously his not to your liking can and his what these dogs are this man his breeding ,mixing up different lines to the poiunt breed type his beginning to be lost in some casesas much has fifty p centcontinual outcrossing or should i say scatter breeding an old turm for outcrossing his fine keeps all the genotype malladys at bay ,but there his a skill i breeding pedigree types ,and genes mutating untill one gets a breed unlike the origional type So here we have it a new breed not a whippet not a lurcher Ithink mr manitoba should be the one to brand the new breed we have here . SUGESTIONS ANYONE HOW ABOUT MIKES MOUNTAIN CONEY DOGS ALL SUGESTIONS SHALL BE LOOKED AT THE NEXT 1000 MARK OF PUPPIES BRED AT TIN ALLEY . th REASON THE MAN STARTED ON HIS VENTUETO PRODUCE THE MOUNTAIN CONEY DOG WAS BECAUSE HIS INBRED VENTURE WAS PRODUCING DOGS WITH MALADYS ASOCIATED WITH EXCESSIVE INBREEDING ALL THE BEST TO THE GENUINE WHIPPET PEOPLE OUT THERE . .

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Guest Manitoba

I used to course under rules with a well known club, in theory the 20" limit was in theory stricked but in reality it depended who you're freinds were or who you had recently sold a pup to, i've measured dogs for racing passports so knew them to be over 20" only to see them on the coursing field having been measured under 20" by the owners freind (Cheating).



0 seems there was a fair bit of cheating in the grand old days in the ring and under rules also,, at least you got it off your chest, bit of a swipe at all mb bred dogs or curs as you say,,, and as for genuine :thumbdown: kc is the demise of all breeds even your beloved genuine whippet or should we believe that you hold the key to a better way like some messiah :no:

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I own a SS bred dog does what I ask of him in field. They are a well put together dog,the only thing I think they lack is pace/quickness of stride in some I have seen,But they weren't bred to race.


I think the line breeding and extra height has gone to close over the last 6 years.

Edited by springfield
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