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Mike brown whippets?

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I don't usually post on this site I don't like living dangerously, but its a pity that the posts were not all like the recent Tripletree and Parkstone, instead of all the back biting and slagging, that goes on.

time and time again a good post, ends up in a slagging match.

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mike brown didnt become well known because he has worked his dogs, and thats a fact, he became well known because he used to sell his dogs using the "LAGUNA" name, (which wasnt/isnt his to use,) lyla

I have nothing against anyone breeding working dogs I do however hate people breeding working dogs that dont get them out and work them but will bull shit you when you get there and tell you they are

Bottom line im 24 iv only worked whippets for 12 years and raced greyhounds since i can remember i dont debate that a man breeding longer than i have lived will have forgoten more than i know but when

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  On 01/01/2011 at 13:59, fresh earth said:

Personaly anything over breed standard should be classed as a fault its far to comon to hear about peoples 23" whippets the breed should be small compact dogs of no more than 21". Also think its a disgrace some of the faults that are apearing down to the lack of real thought and research going into some breedings.



Have to agree. i fully appreciate that some lines will throw a larger pup every now and then and thats fair enough but to me 23" is a lurcher. The size doesn't actually bother me but I don't think that 23" whippets should be bred from and sold as KC whippets.


People pay good money for whippets and while I always bought mine with working in mind it is good to take them to the racing clubs in the summer. The height limit for bitches is 20" so I was pretty dissapointed that i couldn't race her.

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recently ive seen inbred SS lines (NOT DIRECTLY FROM M/B ) of 23,24,even 25" at the shoulder, surely if a dog of that size is needed then a whippet/grey cross would be more suitable rather than breeding excessivly large whippets.


shame to hear of 25" whippets :icon_eek: . but that will happen with people breeding these big types or you hear peolpe say "big strong working type". dose the breed no good.


atb :thumbs:

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  On 01/01/2011 at 15:07, fresh earth said:

Was going to say that i dont agree with breeding these above standard dogs for exactly those reasons. I also think its good to get along to racing in the summer keeps them fit and get a crack with other whippet lovers.



I enjoy the racing and ity is good to see other dogs run.


I fully understand that sometimes you get larger dogs in litters. For an example my pup was bred by Parkstone Whippets and the sire was WRCA Evensent. My pup is a dog, 19" 27lbs and his litter mate is 22-23" and 37lbs. It is a cracking dog, bred from one of the top sires in the country but its owner cant race it. He works him and lure courses him and to be fair Mark offered to buy the dog back (Not having a go at Parkstone, they were as surprised as anyone regarding the size of the dog) but it is a pet as well as a worker and no way the family would part with him.


It just shows that even breading from a proven sire that there is always the slight chance you can get a oversized dog so personally I feel that you shouldn't even think about breeding from a oversized whippet.


Don't get me wrong, if I were looking to breed a line of lurchers I would use that whippet as it is a excellent dog. 37lbs of solid muscle.

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  On 01/01/2011 at 13:10, parkstone whippets said:
  On 01/01/2011 at 12:31, tripletree said:

Its not what MB did in terms of breeding he took an old method of in breeding 3 times then outcrossing and then coming back in what's worrying is everyone else doing the same thing, no imagination or thought, breedings about improving not copying . There needs to be more outcrosses and different blood for the good of working whippets the gene pool will be too small. And the myth about Sooty Sam breeding not being bettered? I've got a Sooty Sam bitch who has never let me down but I've also got another whippet from different lines that's just as good and dare I say it even better. There does seem to be more people outcrossing with different lines and working different lines and this is what we need to move forward. MB breeds decent dogs from what I've experienced he's got his breeding methods about time others used their own imagination.



thats the very trouble, there are far too many people with little or no knoledge of dogs\breeding that are trying to imitate M/B's breeding plan with little thought for the conciquences for the breed or the stock they are churning out selling the pups on the mythicle name "SOOTY SAM"


recently ive seen inbred SS lines (NOT DIRECTLY FROM M/B ) of 23,24,even 25" at the shoulder, surely if a dog of that size is needed then a whippet/grey cross would be more suitable rather than breeding excessivly large whippets.


At last some sensable replies put forward :thumbs: Mythical ss being used to sell pups :thumbs: but mb was doing just the same with the Laguna name IMHO

As for these over size whippets they are a very modern part of the whippet :whistling: my dad showed a Baydale Cinnamon bred dog back in the early 70's stood 213/4" and looked massive alongside other whippets in the ring, Ch Akeferry Jimmy was 22" and was regularly knocked for being over size because back in those days all whippets were to breed standards so where oh where have the 23",24",even 25" whippets come from?

Y.I.S Leeview

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  On 01/01/2011 at 21:30, Leeview said:
  On 01/01/2011 at 13:10, parkstone whippets said:
  On 01/01/2011 at 12:31, tripletree said:

Its not what MB did in terms of breeding he took an old method of in breeding 3 times then outcrossing and then coming back in what's worrying is everyone else doing the same thing, no imagination or thought, breedings about improving not copying . There needs to be more outcrosses and different blood for the good of working whippets the gene pool will be too small. And the myth about Sooty Sam breeding not being bettered? I've got a Sooty Sam bitch who has never let me down but I've also got another whippet from different lines that's just as good and dare I say it even better. There does seem to be more people outcrossing with different lines and working different lines and this is what we need to move forward. MB breeds decent dogs from what I've experienced he's got his breeding methods about time others used their own imagination.



thats the very trouble, there are far too many people with little or no knoledge of dogs\breeding that are trying to imitate M/B's breeding plan with little thought for the conciquences for the breed or the stock they are churning out selling the pups on the mythicle name "SOOTY SAM"


recently ive seen inbred SS lines (NOT DIRECTLY FROM M/B ) of 23,24,even 25" at the shoulder, surely if a dog of that size is needed then a whippet/grey cross would be more suitable rather than breeding excessivly large whippets.


At last some sensable replies put forward :thumbs: Mythical ss being used to sell pups :thumbs: but mb was doing just the same with the Laguna name IMHO

As for these over size whippets they are a very modern part of the whippet :whistling: my dad showed a Baydale Cinnamon bred dog back in the early 70's stood 213/4" and looked massive alongside other whippets in the ring, Ch Akeferry Jimmy was 22" and was regularly knocked for being over size because back in those days all whippets were to breed standards so where oh where have the 23",24",even 25" whippets come from?

Y.I.S Leeview


Your dad showed a "Baydale" if he bred a litter did he mention the Baydale breeding when he sold pups :whistling: you obviously thought it was relevant but somehow resent mb highlighting the Laguna link in his breeding


every thing that has been said by parkstone and tripletree is spot on

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hi this is my first post on this topic, but have been reading every single reply since it started, in the last few replys( e.g tripletree,parkstone whippets and leeview you quote Mythical sooty sam) i am a bit confused here if you know what Mythical means are you saying that ss was not for real then.

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  On 01/01/2011 at 21:30, Leeview said:
  On 01/01/2011 at 13:10, parkstone whippets said:
  On 01/01/2011 at 12:31, tripletree said:

Its not what MB did in terms of breeding he took an old method of in breeding 3 times then outcrossing and then coming back in what's worrying is everyone else doing the same thing, no imagination or thought, breedings about improving not copying . There needs to be more outcrosses and different blood for the good of working whippets the gene pool will be too small. And the myth about Sooty Sam breeding not being bettered? I've got a Sooty Sam bitch who has never let me down but I've also got another whippet from different lines that's just as good and dare I say it even better. There does seem to be more people outcrossing with different lines and working different lines and this is what we need to move forward. MB breeds decent dogs from what I've experienced he's got his breeding methods about time others used their own imagination.



thats the very trouble, there are far too many people with little or no knoledge of dogs\breeding that are trying to imitate M/B's breeding plan with little thought for the conciquences for the breed or the stock they are churning out selling the pups on the mythicle name "SOOTY SAM"


recently ive seen inbred SS lines (NOT DIRECTLY FROM M/B ) of 23,24,even 25" at the shoulder, surely if a dog of that size is needed then a whippet/grey cross would be more suitable rather than breeding excessivly large whippets.


At last some sensable replies put forward :thumbs: Mythical ss being used to sell pups :thumbs: but mb was doing just the same with the Laguna name IMHO

As for these over size whippets they are a very modern part of the whippet :whistling: my dad showed a Baydale Cinnamon bred dog back in the early 70's stood 213/4" and looked massive alongside other whippets in the ring, Ch Akeferry Jimmy was 22" and was regularly knocked for being over size because back in those days all whippets were to breed standards so where oh where have the 23",24",even 25" whippets come from?

Y.I.S Leeview



By 'sensible' i think you mean 'something you can use to back yourself up'.

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At last some sensable replies put forward :thumbs: Mythical ss being used to sell pups :thumbs: but mb was doing just the same with the Laguna name IMHO

As for these over size whippets they are a very modern part of the whippet :whistling: my dad showed a Baydale Cinnamon bred dog back in the early 70's stood 213/4" and looked massive alongside other whippets in the ring, Ch Akeferry Jimmy was 22" and was regularly knocked for being over size because back in those days all whippets were to breed standards so where oh where have the 23",24",even 25" whippets come from?

Y.I.S Leeview


Your dad showed a "Baydale" if he bred a litter did he mention the Baydale breeding when he sold pups :whistling: you obviously thought it was relevant but somehow resent mb highlighting the Laguna link in his breeding


every thing that has been said by parkstone and tripletree is spot on

pb I said he showed a Ch Baydale Cinnamon BRED dog not a Baydale dog :thumbs:

the Laguna link was 1 of 8 great grandparents in ss pedigree nothing closer :thumbs:

Y.I.S Leeview

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there was another topic on here a while back about mike and his whippets that went on and on and if i can remeber rightly the same people slagged him off on that aswell, could you lot name another breeder in the last 20 years that has done so much for the breed and sold so many good working whippets from any line than MIKE BROWN

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  On 01/01/2011 at 22:04, beddyx said:

hi this is my first post on this topic, but have been reading every single reply since it started, in the last few replys( e.g tripletree,parkstone whippets and leeview you quote Mythical sooty sam) i am a bit confused here if you know what Mythical means are you saying that ss was not for real then.

I'll leave the aforementioned to comment their views :yes:

My view is he was nt as good as mb would have you believe as was said "a good salesman who could sell ice to eskimo's"

Y.I.s Leeview

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  On 01/01/2011 at 22:22, Leeview said:
  On 01/01/2011 at 22:04, beddyx said:

hi this is my first post on this topic, but have been reading every single reply since it started, in the last few replys( e.g tripletree,parkstone whippets and leeview you quote Mythical sooty sam) i am a bit confused here if you know what Mythical means are you saying that ss was not for real then.

I'll leave the aforementioned to comment their views :yes:

My view is he was nt as good as mb would have you believe as was said "a good salesman who could sell ice to eskimo's"

Y.I.s Leeview

hi look up mythical and see what it means, and were have you posted on this topic ( a good salesman who could sell ice to eskimo's") i must off missed it somewhere p.s could you also answer my second post thank you
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  On 01/01/2011 at 22:19, beddyx said:

there was another topic on here a while back about mike and his whippets that went on and on and if i can remeber rightly the same people slagged him off on that aswell, could you lot name another breeder in the last 20 years that has done so much for the breed and sold so many good working whippets from any line than MIKE BROWN

Well if you have read ever reply as you say "Banatay, ,Moonlake,Laguna and Shalfleet all have proven successfull records in the field but refer to them as whippets :thumbs: mb coined the phrase working whippets in the recent past

As for mb breeding so many good working whippets try the whippet archive it lists all his offspring see how many named dogs you have heard of or recognise?

Y.I.S Leeview

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  On 31/12/2010 at 21:43, parkstone whippets said:
his first 2 dogs were ss and gorwynne glissando both were bred in 1991 thats 19yrs ago and they would nt of been old enough to breed from that year


MB bought gorwyne glissando in when she was about 3 years old, a lad i knew owned her from a pup she was a great working bitch, after a marraiege problem she was rehomed then MB bought her in.


at the end of the day the bloke has done well out of whippets, some people love them some hate them but you cant knock the man he made sooty sam a name used all aroun the world and COULD OF SOLD ICE TO ESKIMO'S

There you go beddyx post 280 :thumbs:

Y.I.S Leeview

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