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hare coursing

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ive always beleived if your out for a days sport then give the quarry a sporting chance but if your out to fill the freezer then thats another thing get it in the bag quick and move on . all this bigotry about single handed is bullshit . fair play if your matching on the big land single handed with fair law but not everyone got big land to run on and not everyone keeps single handed match dogs . use your dog what they were bred for a bit of sport and to put meat in the freezer and stop worrying about what others are doing at the end of the day whay lampers killl and doubled up runners kill is a drop in the ocean to what shooting and hare drives kill so just get on with whatever floats your boat and lewt otheres do the same whatever type of lurcher their running cos at the end of the day their all lurchers and we are all out to have a good day ?night with the dog .there rant over .

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Hare coursing is one off the most talked about things on here and there is rules but them rules are made by the match men or the men who hunt hares single and if you dont do it there way then your not

yes and its still illeagal in England so watch what your saying boys

I don't see where your getting he 100 yards law, as I've said before every hare is different and not all terrains are the same, the man slipping the dog should know whats a fair slip and what isnt. In

like its being said before calling it a sport got it f*****g banned in the 1st place!!

why would anyone call killing something sport! sporting chance , but its not a sport!!

You could have called it what you like mate and Labour would of banned it , no lurcherman is responsable for the ban , only a bunch of ignorant bigots who knew nothing about it !

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graham 4877calling it sport never got it banned at the end of the day it is a feildsport and always has been known as that . lots of things got it banned but calling it a sport wasnt one of them never heard such rubbish in all my life but your entitled to your opinion same as everyone else and i dont know many dogmen or women who havnt at the end of the day if they have had a good day remark what a great days sport .

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I don't understand y so many people complain about lamping hs. It still takes a good dog to take one in winter and there are 5 times as many out in the fields than during the day so it is better sport. And for the record a lot of the dogs run in the forley cup etc can't kill a h on the lamp, I have witnessed it!

Very well said :thumbs:

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like its being said before calling it a sport got it f*****g banned in the 1st place!!

why would anyone call killing something sport! sporting chance , but its not a sport!!

depends which way you look at it, a load of people and hounds on one fox was mentioned as sport and was publisized and televisioned a lot of antis and people viewing didnt like this and found it cruel,,,in the media and news it was allways mentioned as sport on the hunt and this is one of the reasons for banning hunting in certain ways, so in my belief and opinion this as so called sport was the downfall of hunting, it wasnt the lurcher lads and stalkers or your normal run of hunters that got the media and the ban , it was sport and no one could see why people should kill for the sport of it, unfortunately the restrictions were also passed on to the genuine hunter who used is methods for food and love of it and respected wildlife, so my opinion sport got the ban :thumbs:so if you imagine aload of wealthy people owning horses and packs of hounds going to large estates and paying a large lump of money to hunt over the land for sport and the kill , wipeing blood on all the new to the sport was looked at as cruel........if it was done as vermin control and sport not as mentioned just to cull some of the vermin back to protect wildlife and game it would have had a better chance to survive and restrictions not put to force in the courts.........just my opinion the name sport got the ban

Edited by psm
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like its being said before calling it a sport got it f*****g banned in the 1st place!!

why would anyone call killing something sport! sporting chance , but its not a sport!!



Maybe i have a different opinion because i hunt myself for sport and numbers and big bags mean nothing to me, but i think its the arseholes you saw cheering and jumping up and down when i hare got pulled down at the likes of the Waterloo that got coursing banned, not the man who was there to watch a dog pit his skills against that of the hare to see which one would come off the winner. Every genuine sporting coursing man loves to see a good hare get away, thats why we respect them so much afterall :thumbs:

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like its being said before calling it a sport got it f*****g banned in the 1st place!!

why would anyone call killing something sport! sporting chance , but its not a sport!!



Maybe i have a different opinion because i hunt myself for sport and numbers and big bags mean nothing to me, but i think its the arseholes you saw cheering and jumping up and down when i hare got pulled down at the likes of the Waterloo that got coursing banned, not the man who was there to watch a dog pit his skills against that of the hare to see which one would come off the winner. Every genuine sporting coursing man loves to see a good hare get away, thats why we respect them so much afterall :thumbs:

thats why i said depends which way you look at it.......it was the tv and media hype with the hunting of hounds and the name sport , not the coursing lads ,,,,it just got the knock on effect and was added to the ban list as they allready won there case in the peoples eye and courts its just another one up for the antis mate, if hunting wasnt split up into different groups and all have different opinions on whats good and whats not ,and everyone stood as one it might not have happened who knows, you get your saluki lads disagreeing with lurcher lads and so on and on...... the antis love this and can turn it in there favour where the laws involved
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