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as the title states


went and got a new pcp rifle tonight and went to have a look on youtube if i could see any one using them to see what they were like now i know feck all about air rifles but im sure the guy said a vulcan but cant find a pcp Vulcan anywhere just a springer there is a good chance i have picked the guy up wrong but dose any one know if there is a pcp vulcan and could they point me in the direction of some info about them



before any one asks theres no markings on the guns





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Hey Alan,


Perhaps you could put up some pix for us (I do love a little 'whats this?' thread)


Preferably good clear ones, close ups of action and stock and then we should be able to help you Identify the gun :thumbs:


As far as I am aware the Vulcans are springers :hmm:



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yes its is possible he said falcon but ive had a look on goggle and I cant find any falcon pcps


cant get pics up atm but will try and get a loan of a camera and get some up


use could do it the other way round and put pics up and i tell you if its the right one

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funnily enough, iv got a Falcon PF18 MP, and whilst tryin to research it before i bought it off my mate, found approximately 2 photos of it on the ENTIRE INTERNET!!! so i ordered some brochures from falcon and its not even in there! i think i've got the only one in existence.


what a rifle by the way, i got rid of my tx200hc to get mine and i love it an understated rifle in the price bracket if you ask me.

Edited by darren watson
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funnily enough, iv got a Falcon PF18 MP, and whilst tryin to research it before i bought it off my mate, found approximately 2 photos of it on the ENTIRE INTERNET!!! so i ordered some brochures from falcon and its not even in there! i think i've got the only one in existence.


what a rifle by the way, i got rid of my tx200hc to get mine and i love it an understated rifle in the price bracket if you ask me.



hi darren

SHAME!!! on you!! :wallbash::wallbash:

for ditching your AATX200HC

just out of interest what did you let it go for?





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funnily enough, iv got a Falcon PF18 MP, and whilst tryin to research it before i bought it off my mate, found approximately 2 photos of it on the ENTIRE INTERNET!!! so i ordered some brochures from falcon and its not even in there! i think i've got the only one in existence.


what a rifle by the way, i got rid of my tx200hc to get mine and i love it an understated rifle in the price bracket if you ask me.



hi darren

SHAME!!! on you!! :wallbash::wallbash:

for ditching your AATX200HC

just out of interest what did you let it go for?






a mate of mine broke the cocking shoe. so i eventually sold it to arthur turner of sheffield for 100 quid, sorry mate. i kind of had to cos my mate who i was buying the falcon off had driven me miles to sell it. i didn't like it anyway, too heavy for me. i suppose if i loved it i'd have got more for it but i couldnt wait to get rid to be honest, and the falcon was a steal, my mate paid 600 for it , then needed some quick cash and sold it to me for 400 with pump and some daft 18-24 or summat scopes on it, which came straight off for some more sensible bushnells.

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