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Bought my first shotgun

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Hi guys, got my SGC on tues, went out on fri and bought my first shotgun, Its a Lanber (not sure on the model) I originally went in for a Browning medalist or similar, but they guy said to check this gun out "its a beauty" and at £600 (probably been raped on the price haha) it was just out of my original budget but holding it against the medalist it just felt so much better (the guy then gave me his gun to hold, dont know what it was but £4k was the price tag and that just felt amazing, everything was smooth and flowed)


So yeah, this is it, its heavy and after firing around 25 shots yesterday my right wrist (trigger hand) started to ache, so im thinking the butt might need extending a fraction, but other than that its everything I was looking for in my first gun.




Ive got a question about cartridges, does anyone know what length cartridges this will hold? or what kind I need to buy for it next time, the ones I bought from the shop seem a fair ammount shorter than the ones im used to at the clay grounds (70mm the ones I bought)

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