gnasher16 30,531 Posted December 19, 2010 Report Share Posted December 19, 2010 WHAT DO YOU HONESTLY THINK VOTING ACHIEVES?you just replace one set of liars cheats ,purgerers for another set.The bnp are a perfectly legal political party but if your a school teacher or copper you cant vote for them cant think of any other party they are not allowed to vote for,and its funny they started winning local seats think the big three got scared,very democratic my ass What does voting achieve....what in a political vote you mean Bollocks to school teachers and bollocks to plod........the likes of you and me who CAN vote for change by far outweigh the people who to waste that vote and put your energy into a bunch of yobs who can do no more than walk around the streets a no brainer ! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lanesra 3,994 Posted December 19, 2010 Report Share Posted December 19, 2010 WHAT DO YOU HONESTLY THINK VOTING ACHIEVES?you just replace one set of liars cheats ,purgerers for another set.The bnp are a perfectly legal political party but if your a school teacher or copper you cant vote for them cant think of any other party they are not allowed to vote for,and its funny they started winning local seats think the big three got scared,very democratic my ass What does voting achieve....what in a political vote you mean Bollocks to school teachers and bollocks to plod........the likes of you and me who CAN vote for change by far outweigh the people who to waste that vote and put your energy into a bunch of yobs who can do no more than walk around the streets a no brainer ! Labour , Consevatives , and the other bunch of Thieves who's party names i cant think off there that important , anyone voting for these shower might as well vote for the monster raving loony party , For me B.N.P. are the only way to put your opinion over if you want any form off change cause that other lot will change NOTHING for the benefit off the people off this country, pls no1 come on callin me a racist cause i dont give a fukc, so your wastin your time. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
twobob 1,497 Posted December 19, 2010 Report Share Posted December 19, 2010 Voting for a bunch of corrupt cxnts and thinking it will make a difference is a no brainer.Remember the expenses scandle MPs of all partys up to the necks in it and you trust these?now if that were me and you we would still be doing time Quote Link to post Share on other sites
foxfan 479 Posted December 19, 2010 Report Share Posted December 19, 2010 I think actually getting out onto the streets will achieve more than voting. Heres the reasoning.. The parties will see numbers on the streets supporting a cause and therefore write it into their policies. The only flaw in my thinking is that once they get elected in they may well forget their policies. However hard to believe you find that! We are living in very strange times, where every country across Europe and the USA, Britain, all find themselves in the same position, that is they are all under governments who have almost completely abandoned any pretence of representing the electorate, all are undergoing sweeping changes to their rule of law and soveriegnty (spelling), call me cynical but i dont think its coincidence. Its a conserted effort to implement tyranny in the shape of one world government. We must get out of Europe, regain control of our own constitution, and bring back some accountability to our politicians. If you dont hear from me again, i'll be in a gulag for speaking out lol. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BIG T 6 Posted December 19, 2010 Report Share Posted December 19, 2010 Get stuck into the c**ts butt. no surrender Quote Link to post Share on other sites
shepp 2,285 Posted December 19, 2010 Report Share Posted December 19, 2010 I would rather be governed by the monarchy, at least they would try and unite us. All political party's do is divide us. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gonetoearth 5,144 Posted December 19, 2010 Report Share Posted December 19, 2010 (edited) IF the last general elections outcome had happened in eastern Europe or Africa that the party that came third in a three horse race and ended up in a coalition and mp's committed fraud on the scale ares did in defrauding their expenses , the un would be sending in investigators and Britain and America would be planing invasion ,iwould not trust the whole bent gang of foookers to run the kids Christmas club party Edited December 19, 2010 by gonetoearth Quote Link to post Share on other sites
taffy apple 32 Posted December 19, 2010 Report Share Posted December 19, 2010 gnasher you really need to wake up...where are we gonna be in twenty yrs ????being told what to do by a paki prime british.....and i want my kids to be braught up british... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
littlefish 587 Posted December 19, 2010 Report Share Posted December 19, 2010 I would rather be governed by the monarchy, at least they would try and unite us. All political party's do is divide us. Care to elaborate on this one? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,531 Posted December 19, 2010 Report Share Posted December 19, 2010 gnasher you really need to wake up...where are we gonna be in twenty yrs ????being told what to do by a paki prime british.....and i want my kids to be braught up british... I need to wake up ...your preaching to the wrong man there pal....ive been telling folk for years exactly what your telling me,back from the national front days when we was doing what the EDL are doing now,through to todays times when for me the only way forward is the BNP and making the most of your vote. All im against is a group like the EDL trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes pretending to be some kind of nationalistic patriotic group of loyal men.....they will no doubt gain credibility and be popular amongst naive young men who know no better than following their mates.....when in reality if they all pulled in the same direction and did something of a lot more value than shouting in the streets ( voting ) a race of people the British man might actually get somewhere.....not in our lifetimes no,but it lays the foundations for the future..... I tend to believe in my fellow man,hence i know its only a matter of time before what is currently the minority ( us who do have pride in our country ) become the majority......even people who dont believe themself to be patriotic will only put up with shit for so long before common sense prevails....its not going to be no time soon and its likely to get worse before it gets better.....but i know like i know tuesday follows monday that sooner or later your average british man will stand up for himself and take no more......and the average british man makes up the majority of the british you do the maths ! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
timjim 43 Posted December 20, 2010 Report Share Posted December 20, 2010 THE BIGGEST ENEMY IS THE MEDIA, THEY BRAINWASH US ALL every party with an ounce of patriotic view is shot down in flames by the media and made out to be nazi scum, that then attracts said scum making the media sound like they were right, there was a welsh defence league years ago that was formed by people who loved their way of life and just wanted to protect it was never meant to be a racist organization, that had to disband due to being over run by racists, how can anyone make a stand without this happening? we have already lost control. someone once told me that a patriot is someone who loves their country and their customs and beliefs and a nationalist is someone who hates everyone elses, the media have blurred the line between the two we need a party with a pair of bollocks that will protect the british way of life, things are changed because they MAY offend ? that usually means that no one has complained but its changed just incase they do ! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rikjd 8 Posted December 20, 2010 Report Share Posted December 20, 2010 Not to mention those who refuse to vote BNP in fear that they will be targeted if the voting list gets leaked, yet again. As for this lets have it right then....these lads are big and brave enough to stand shouting and swearing with 200 of their likeminded pals with the safety of a police escort..........but havent got the bollocks to vote BNP incase their name appears on a list that gets leaked !! That pretty much sums up everything the EDL is in numbers,but when it comes to the crunch and things get real............................... its I meant more like your average joe who isnt in the EDL that wont vote BNP like my mates uncle who had to move house due to being harrased for voting BNP when the first list got leaked, its not down to being big and hard when you feel your family could be at risk to a gang of lads outside calling you racist because your democratic views dont sit right with them. As for the EDL not being political thats the case for now who knows what the future holds they are only a relatively small movement but gaining a lot of interest and momentum. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rikjd 8 Posted December 20, 2010 Report Share Posted December 20, 2010 ye maybe, but theirs more to them then just hating muslims thats just the core agenda, this country is fast becoming under their control your average white brit will soon be the minority id sooner support a movement that attempts to halt this even if i dont agree with everything they say, the lesser of two evils in my eyes. I could go on and on with links etc to say oh im right, but its all down to opinion which is our freedom to have, our ancestors died so we can have that right. But when you see hardcore radical muslims who have been born and bred in this country burning poppies and spitting on soldiers then are we to just sit back and rely on our votes working and that the government will sort it?? The BNP will never gain a foothold in parliment like they need due to their being more Muslims and PC brigade voting then all the people who are fed up with the country going this way. Not to mention those who refuse to vote BNP in fear that they will be targeted if the voting list gets leaked, yet again. yes yes yes we know all that......and i totally agree.....BUT....what is it this " supporting the movement " known as the EDL is going to actually achieve ?...where is it going to take me as a proud Englishman in England ?....come on ,sell it to me Change will only be made in parliament not on a street corner,the EDL talk on streets not in wheres the future in a group of kids ranting and raving totally misleading folk about who they actually are !....for the true genuine patriotic Englishman who craves change the EDL actually do more harm than good. If they stood up and went with honesty on everything then how would they fare? Does the media always tell the truth and facts?? Lies have gone round the world before truths put its shoes on. They want our rights to be heard the EU and politicians are taking the easy option in squashing our rights to appease those of the minority forcing others nations traditions onto us. They will continue to do this if we dont let our opinions be heard, by protesting on streets its a visual presence as much as anything and harder to ignore then say a petition or a workshop or whatever way the government would prefer you to complain, so long as its in a nice quiet way that can go on ignored. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,531 Posted December 20, 2010 Report Share Posted December 20, 2010 If they stood up and went with honesty on everything then how would they fare? Does the media always tell the truth and facts?? Lies have gone round the world before truths put its shoes on. They want our rights to be heard the EU and politicians are taking the easy option in squashing our rights to appease those of the minority forcing others nations traditions onto us. They will continue to do this if we dont let our opinions be heard, by protesting on streets its a visual presence as much as anything and harder to ignore then say a petition or a workshop or whatever way the government would prefer you to complain, so long as its in a nice quiet way that can go on ignored. You got to be realistic mate....who is going to be taken seriously,a legitimate official politician in a suit and tie.....or a bunch of mouthy yobs with scarves over their face hiding their identity running round the streets shouting ! The EDL,s heart is in the right place......but if true change is what they want then get in line and back up the official legitimate party who represent what they want.....not try to stamp your feet,mislead people and think its going to make a difference,real difference. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,531 Posted December 20, 2010 Report Share Posted December 20, 2010 (edited) I meant more like your average joe who isnt in the EDL that wont vote BNP like my mates uncle who had to move house due to being harrased for voting BNP when the first list got leaked, its not down to being big and hard when you feel your family could be at risk to a gang of lads outside calling you racist because your democratic views dont sit right with them. As for the EDL not being political thats the case for now who knows what the future holds they are only a relatively small movement but gaining a lot of interest and momentum. Thats because being patriotic is still a minority sport,its seen as prejudiced........but thats today,tomorrow your average everyday joe is going to become the majority and you cant call the majority " prejudiced " As a nation we got ourself in this shit so as a nation we have to get ourself out......if to the average eveyday man that means taking a risk then thats the test of every man as an you have the bollocks to take a risk or just settle for the easy way out......when you hear the term " its time to stand up and be counted "....thats what it means ! It has to start somewhere and sometime.....its whether it happens gradually over the next 100 years or quickly over the next 10.....but one way or another it will happen. Edited December 20, 2010 by gnasher16 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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