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I meant more like your average joe who isnt in the EDL that wont vote BNP like my mates uncle who had to move house due to being harrased for voting BNP when the first list got leaked, its not down to being big and hard when you feel your family could be at risk to a gang of lads outside calling you racist because your democratic views dont sit right with them. As for the EDL not being political thats the case for now who knows what the future holds they are only a relatively small movement but gaining a lot of interest and momentum.



Thats because being patriotic is still a minority sport,its seen as prejudiced........but thats today,tomorrow your average everyday joe is going to become the majority and you cant call the majority " prejudiced "


As a nation we got ourself in this shit so as a nation we have to get ourself out......if to the average eveyday man that means taking a risk then thats the test of every man as an individual....do you have the bollocks to take a risk or just settle for the easy way out......when you hear the term " its time to stand up and be counted "....thats what it means !


It has to start somewhere and sometime.....its whether it happens gradually over the next 100 years or quickly over the next 10.....but one way or another it will happen.


Ye it is starting, movements like the EDL are reminding people it is acceptable to be British and stand up for our traditions, While that isnt their main agenda its a good by product so if they come and go without getting anywhere then so be it but their attempts on the way get more people interested and wanting to stand up and be counted, its just a shame the media constantly live in fear of being reprimanded so they remain biased. The more noise groups like the EDL make the more likely people are to vote for change, as they will see that they arent the only ones disillusioned with the country and in fact, could be in the majority so will vote without feeling its a vote wasted. A lot of people vote for labour because they dont want tories in power and vice versa it has nothing to do with policies just a dislike of the alternative. Sad but true.

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No use looking for sense in these kind of posts mate I'm suprised they haven't blamed the muslims for the bad weather...and for the fella that posted about his grandfather coming from Ireland...read y

The reason they fitted in so easy is that the irish are essentially the same as us english...have the same values the same traditions and the same understanding of basic right and wrong....in other wo

They marched in Preston a week or two back. If they had any agenda at all, it seemed to be mostly beer and shouting.

Ye it is starting, movements like the EDL are reminding people it is acceptable to be British and stand up for our traditions, While that isnt their main agenda its a good by product so if they come and go without getting anywhere then so be it but their attempts on the way get more people interested and wanting to stand up and be counted, its just a shame the media constantly live in fear of being reprimanded so they remain biased. The more noise groups like the EDL make the more likely people are to vote for change, as they will see that they arent the only ones disillusioned with the country and in fact, could be in the majority so will vote without feeling its a vote wasted. A lot of people vote for labour because they dont want tories in power and vice versa it has nothing to do with policies just a dislike of the alternative. Sad but true.


I know where your coming from,but the EDL just send out all the wrong messages to the people who are not quite as adamant as you or me....some folk are just starting to realise whats happening and thinking about how things can change....they switch the news on,see a bunch of lads running round shouting and swearing looking like football hooligans and they think again.

Why do you think the BNP no longer have marches or demonstrations,they realise the image it gives off......yes the EDL raise awareness but its a double edged sword....and after all said and done if folk are not aware by now they never will be.

We know how the media works so why play into their hands.....like i say,the EDL,s heart is in the right place....but in the bigger picture they actually do more harm than good....there is a legitimate political party already out there who represent what they want....so do they really want change or do they just want to be heard.


Has the snow melted yet :D

Edited by gnasher16
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