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any right thinking person should be against the islamifacation if this country. its the fault of theEuropean laws and the pc brigade . one example of islamifacation , my local council had a 'HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE" banner hanging at there offices last christmas . i contacted them to ask why they didn't put up a 'HAPPY christmas banner,the girl on the phone said they put one up but had to take it down incase it offends muslims. im glad those EDL boys have came out and said they will protest against any council who tries to take the Christ out of Christmas. they have my respect.



Thats all fine and dandy.....but what about every other race of people that plays a part in destroying our country ?...Muslims are " part " of the problem yes.....the thing with Muslims is they are loud about what they do.....east europeans are the silent killers of our nation.....but hey,they work hard so they,re ok :doh:


Your either a patriotic Brit or your not in my eyes....you cant just pick and choose who you want to protest against !

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No use looking for sense in these kind of posts mate I'm suprised they haven't blamed the muslims for the bad weather...and for the fella that posted about his grandfather coming from Ireland...read y

The reason they fitted in so easy is that the irish are essentially the same as us english...have the same values the same traditions and the same understanding of basic right and wrong....in other wo

They marched in Preston a week or two back. If they had any agenda at all, it seemed to be mostly beer and shouting.

the islamifacation is being carried out by the buerocrats and pen pushers, most probably british born and bread,there just,following the rules and laws of europe. and your right,the biggest worry doesnt come from enthnic groups, iits the ignorant tossers like yourself who sit back and do feck all



And what exactly would you have me do ?....walk along the street with a stone island jumper and a police escort shouting and swearing about how " patriotic " i am.....i do all the ordinary man can do.....and thats vote.


As for ignorant tossers......always best to check your spelling and vocabulary before calling another British man ignorant ;)

Edited by gnasher16
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up the edl...good luck today lads


my mates a pakistani muslim,i can say for sure that they aint all the same,its like saying everyone that gose to a football match is a holligan,and his great grandad and great uncles were in the british army,theres only a small number of muslims that are messing it up for everyone.


He might be a good lad and I've no problem with decent people coming from anywhere to integrate and live here, but I think it's your mate that's in the minority unfortunately mate. Most of them have no loyalty for this country at all. If there was no health care or money to make in this country they'd all f*ck off in a heart beat to the next place they can bleed money out of. Britain isn't their home it's just a place they're staying at to earn money out of.

just like the polish did to us .They undercut our builders,painters ,block layers etc,and when the they bled us dry the fcuked off home not putting any morey back into the economy.What makes me sick is my mate went to poland recently lookin for work and they had signs up saynig...NO IRISH

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And what exactly would you have me do ?....walk along the street with a stone island jumper and a police escort shouting and swearing about how " patriotic " i am.....i do all the ordinary man can do.....and thats vote.


quote]as for what your saying about the football lads etc , this is the chance for them to redefine themselves and be involved in a cause that matters. and yes gnasher get out on the streets with the boys,and without meaning to sound all patriotic,think of your grandchildrens future,and theirs

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im not a crown lover nor nationalist or republican,just your average guy,with an affinity with my wee part of the country, but regards the EDL they have my respect, BUT NOT PAUL RAYS VERSION. i hope they get better organised and stick to your core message,DISASSOCIATE yourselves from the NF THE BNP and all the out and out nutters, and become a group who your average guy off the street can ASSOCIATE wit.


So on one hand you are having a dig at people who do nothing ( in your words ).....and then saying folk should join a " group " who have no power,are not a political party and will/can change nothing.....and disassociate ourselves from a legitimate political party who could ( by rights ) change something...


So to you doing something is not voting by legitimate and official means.....but walking the streets shouting with a bunch of skinny kids :blink: ............Whatever floats your boat i guess but common sense will always play a small part !

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Few reasons people "dislike muslims" , people see muslims demand this that and the other , burn the british flag in the street , insult the only HERO'S this country has , people livin with us and OFF us yet tryin to kill men women and children indiscriminantly , suicide bombers BORN here yet not prepared to live like us but want to destroy everything we stand for ect ect ect , i know ALL muslims arent like that but everyone who is like that is a muslim , poles jews ect have been comin to this country for hundreds off yrs and NEVER acted like the above ! As for voting to air your views that is a waste off time because they promise you the world to get your vote then give you NOTHING , ask the father off the little girl killed by an illegal imigrant banned driver in a hit and run, 2 mth in jail released still here 7 yrs later in that time commited numerous crimes since release includin ANOTHER charge drivin while banned :wallbash: , leading up to the election Cameron promised that little girls father his party would sort this out , on thursday that SCUM was granted HIS RIGHT to stay here "HIS HUMAN RIGHTS INNITT" , So if Cameron can DECIEVE a family in them circumstances he aint a man to trust bit like the previous "LEADER".

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Didn't some irish blow up parts of England?

Some irish did, same as some Muslims spit at soldiers....


I don't think the Muslims are the problem it's the left wing PC brigade who automatically dump any indeginous overtones in case it offends people who have recently come into the country. We should have this disclaimer on all ports/airports...


This country is England, we celebrate Christian festivals...we will allow you to celebrate your own faiths and customs as we are a free country.....you are free to leave and live somewhere else if this offends you.


My nephew's primary school can't sing bah bah black sheep and have to sing the farmer wants a friend....ffs


and don't start me on the ethnic makeup of the children in CBBC programmes.


(This from the son of an Irish immigrant, born and raised here!)

Edited by Bulldogman
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Few reasons people "dislike muslims" , people see muslims demand this that and the other , burn the british flag in the street , insult the only HERO'S this country has , people livin with us and OFF us yet tryin to kill men women and children indiscriminantly , suicide bombers BORN here yet not prepared to live like us but want to destroy everything we stand for ect ect ect , i know ALL muslims arent like that but everyone who is like that is a muslim , poles jews ect have been comin to this country for hundreds off yrs and NEVER acted like the above ! As for voting to air your views that is a waste off time because they promise you the world to get your vote then give you NOTHING , ask the father off the little girl killed by an illegal imigrant banned driver in a hit and run, 2 mth in jail released still here 7 yrs later in that time commited numerous crimes since release includin ANOTHER charge drivin while banned :wallbash: , leading up to the election Cameron promised that little girls father his party would sort this out , on thursday that SCUM was granted HIS RIGHT to stay here "HIS HUMAN RIGHTS INNITT" , So if Cameron can DECIEVE a family in them circumstances he aint a man to trust bit like the previous "LEADER".

The father in this case has played by the rules and been shafted. He believed in Bristish Justice and it has failed him.


I don't readily condone law breaking but in this instance, if it were my daughter, I would pass my own sentence on this scum adf take my chances with the legal system.


Politicians promises mean nothing, when they don't have power they can promise the earth, once in power they forget their manifestos and pursue their own agendas. Until people form a party from ordinary working men, not Etonioans with their blinkered view of the UK, then nothing will change?? Unfortunately, if you do that and it's predominately white, its a facist party??

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WE have been brain washed over the last 20 years the PC brigade have bombarded us

with every thing from the change of nursery rhymes to Christmas cards we have been manipulated in every corner of society , this has been planed at the highest levels

the unification of Europe , the Irish had the chance to scupper the treaty when they voted no , were else would the ask them to vote again then bombard the whole nation with vote yes it is not to late to get out but the further in we go the harder it will be to withdraw , the political press has made patriotism a dirty word any one who tries to stand up to them is caster-gated , just look at la'sarnge right now trumped up charges ,

and death threats , comply or die :icon_eek:

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