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no they werent made welcome.

They worked hard and intergrated and won people over.! can that be said about pakistanis and others who take whole areas over?



The reason they fitted in so easy is that the irish are essentially the same as us english...have the same values the same traditions and the same understanding of basic right and wrong....in other words we have a lot in common so can live side by side with no problems.....we have nothing in common with muslims from basic principals to normal everyday living so to expect us all to live together in harmony is unrealistic and unfair......

That said i think this EDL stuff is a waste of time,why pick out one single part of society to protest against....thats nothing to do with pride in your country so why they wave their little st georges cross flags i dont know....its like hating criminals then singling out burglars to protest against,why just burglars :blink:


And the Irish are hard working people too. Alot of my friends are Irish or from Irish descent and they are some of the best people you could wish to meet. :thumbs:

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No use looking for sense in these kind of posts mate I'm suprised they haven't blamed the muslims for the bad weather...and for the fella that posted about his grandfather coming from Ireland...read y

The reason they fitted in so easy is that the irish are essentially the same as us english...have the same values the same traditions and the same understanding of basic right and wrong....in other wo

They marched in Preston a week or two back. If they had any agenda at all, it seemed to be mostly beer and shouting.

up the edl...good luck today lads


my mates a pakistani muslim,i can say for sure that they aint all the same,its like saying everyone that gose to a football match is a holligan,and his great grandad and great uncles were in the british army,theres only a small number of muslims that are messing it up for everyone.

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i dont like hard line muslims ,islam is just another form of control ,but the e d l are just the football lads when they got nothing else to do most of them are just the ones band from attending football matches ,agenda what agenda ? there are lots of real hardline white groups that have an agenda that are a bit better than the e d l

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100% agree with kev from bristol, just the footy lads and casuals looking for a bit of excitment. walking down the road surrounded by a tight police cordan shouting "no surrender",tha makes sense dont it? alot of their points are very valid, i just dont like the way they go about it. too many young lads turn up who aint got a clue in their stone island gear and a scarf round their face and get a bit lairy after 2 pints of stella.somthing should be done about the ghettoisation of certain areas and intergration should be compulsory for all foriegn nationals who want to settle here, but a few middle aged terrace lads and the young kids that worship em aint gonna get alot done in my opinion!


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They were formed to combat the mussie scum that spat on and jeered OUR returnig soldiers remember that? wasnt that long ago.In march 2010 edl marched in bolton 74 arrest at least 55 of those UAF as opposed to 9 from edl.

DAVID CAMERON stated in the 2010 election campaign the edl are terrible people,we would always keep these groups under review and if we needed to ban them,we would ban them or any groups which incite hatred.

If spitting and jeering the the soldiers isnt inciting hatred could some one explain what is!

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up the edl...good luck today lads


my mates a pakistani muslim,i can say for sure that they aint all the same,its like saying everyone that gose to a football match is a holligan,and his great grandad and great uncles were in the british army,theres only a small number of muslims that are messing it up for everyone.


He might be a good lad and I've no problem with decent people coming from anywhere to integrate and live here, but I think it's your mate that's in the minority unfortunately mate. Most of them have no loyalty for this country at all. If there was no health care or money to make in this country they'd all f*ck off in a heart beat to the next place they can bleed money out of. Britain isn't their home it's just a place they're staying at to earn money out of.

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100% agree with kev from bristol, just the footy lads and casuals looking for a bit of excitment. walking down the road surrounded by a tight police cordan shouting "no surrender",tha makes sense dont it? alot of their points are very valid, i just dont like the way they go about it. too many young lads turn up who aint got a clue in their stone island gear and a scarf round their face and get a bit lairy after 2 pints of stella.somthing should be done about the ghettoisation of certain areas and intergration should be compulsory for all foriegn nationals who want to settle here, but a few middle aged terrace lads and the young kids that worship em aint gonna get alot done in my opinion!



yea its just something for the weekend ,if they started one of these groups and left the nazi bullshit out and got rid of the fools they may just get people listening

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up the edl...good luck today lads


my mates a pakistani muslim,i can say for sure that they aint all the same,its like saying everyone that gose to a football match is a holligan,and his great grandad and great uncles were in the british army,theres only a small number of muslims that are messing it up for everyone.

got no problem with anyone that wants to come over here..work hard..better themselves..integrate with our country...f*****g vermin that wants to plot to blow me n mine up,force there ways on to me,scrounge of our benefits !!! they have no place here and never will :censored: :censored:

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any one going to peterborogh for the english defense leage march tomo.

If you dont like whats happening in this country perhaps you should go. ILL BE THERE.


whats their agenda?

dont know there exact line. my grandfather came here from irland in the 50s like many others and he worked and they built most the roads and put a lot in to england. its the muslims the sarmarlis and all the other rubbish doing f all and dragging this once proud land down that im going there for myself.

Didn't some irish blow up parts of England?

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i would actually say the edl are the most biggoted group of white people in existence.

i say that because they seem to blindly and cloed mindedly only hate muslims,no it's not about loving their own land because if it was theyd want EVERY c**t out of here who doesnt belong here, not just the muzzies.


'a patriot fight's for the love of his own people not hate of other's'

Edited by robo-christ
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i would actually say the edl are the most biggoted group of white people in existence.

i say that because they seem to blindly and cloed mindedly only hate muslims,no it's not about loving their own land because if it was theyd want EVERY c**t out of here who doesnt belong here, not just the muzzies.


'a patriot fight's for the love of his own people not hate of other's'

Last time i looked only mussies spitting at soldiers

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i would actually say the edl are the most biggoted group of white people in existence.

i say that because they seem to blindly and cloed mindedly only hate muslims,no it's not about loving their own land because if it was theyd want EVERY c**t out of here who doesnt belong here, not just the muzzies.


'a patriot fight's for the love of his own people not hate of other's'



Absolutely agree.........i cannot for the life of me understand why this group who call themself the EDL single out Muslims....why stop there,are they the only problem this country faces when it comes to foreigners :blink:


Yes,muslims spit at British soldiers......well pakies have nicked all our corner shops,poles have killed our building trade and on and on and on....see how daft it sounds !!...........why single out Muslims :blink:


As a nutty old Englishman once said...." We dont know them and we dont want to know them....any of them ".....maybe he wasnt quite so nutty after all.

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