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No use looking for sense in these kind of posts mate I'm suprised they haven't blamed the muslims for the bad weather...and for the fella that posted about his grandfather coming from Ireland...read y

The reason they fitted in so easy is that the irish are essentially the same as us english...have the same values the same traditions and the same understanding of basic right and wrong....in other wo

They marched in Preston a week or two back. If they had any agenda at all, it seemed to be mostly beer and shouting.

any one going to peterborogh for the english defense leage march tomo.

If you dont like whats happening in this country perhaps you should go. ILL BE THERE.


whats their agenda?

dont know there exact line. my grandfather came here from irland in the 50s like many others and he worked and they built most the roads and put a lot in to england. its the muslims the sarmarlis and all the other rubbish doing f all and dragging this once proud land down that im going there for myself.
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their main agenda is anti-muslim extremists, they say that the whole quran is evil and is not a peace religion, they arent racist on the whole though like all groups their is the minority who are. Id be going but its a bit far for me to travel, i was recently at a homecoming for soldiers coming back from afghanistan and i saw muslim lads spitting on british soldiers........ :censored::thumbdown:

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any one going to peterborogh for the english defense leage march tomo.

If you dont like whats happening in this country perhaps you should go. ILL BE THERE.


whats their agenda?

dont know there exact line. my grandfather came here from irland in the 50s like many others and he worked and they built most the roads and put a lot in to england. its the muslims the sarmarlis and all the other rubbish doing f all and dragging this once proud land down that im going there for myself.

i watched something about them and some other group on the tv a few weeks ago,

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any one going to peterborogh for the english defense leage march tomo.

If you dont like whats happening in this country perhaps you should go. ILL BE THERE.


whats their agenda?

dont know there exact line. my grandfather came here from irland in the 50s like many others and he worked and they built most the roads and put a lot in to england. its the muslims the sarmarlis and all the other rubbish doing f all and dragging this once proud land down that im going there for myself.

i watched something about them and some other group on the tv a few weeks ago,



They marched in Preston a week or two back. If they had any agenda at all, it seemed to be mostly beer and shouting.

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any one going to peterborogh for the english defense leage march tomo.

If you dont like whats happening in this country perhaps you should go. ILL BE THERE.


whats their agenda?

dont know there exact line. my grandfather came here from irland in the 50s like many others and he worked and they built most the roads and put a lot in to england. its the muslims the sarmarlis and all the other rubbish doing f all and dragging this once proud land down that im going there for myself.

i watched something about them and some other group on the tv a few weeks ago,

most lads who are into the dog job i reckon fill the same. the working class white lad dont matter. we cant even do are traditional hunting in our own land. would this have happened if mainly muslims owned lurchers and terriers . no way!!
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any one going to peterborogh for the english defense leage march tomo.

If you dont like whats happening in this country perhaps you should go. ILL BE THERE.


whats their agenda?

dont know there exact line. my grandfather came here from irland in the 50s like many others and he worked and they built most the roads and put a lot in to england. its the muslims the sarmarlis and all the other rubbish doing f all and dragging this once proud land down that im going there for myself.

i watched something about them and some other group on the tv a few weeks ago,

most lads who are into the dog job i reckon fill the same. the working class white lad dont matter. we cant even do are traditional hunting in our own land. would this have happened if mainly muslims owned lurchers and terriers . no way!!


excuse my ignorance, but what is DOG JOB? and what has traditional hunting got to do with muslims? it's not them that has brought in the laws,

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how many of you here would choose to eat halal meat?? if not then just consider where you shop etc not sayin muslims have asked for it but i think we should be given a choice as to what we eat not just forced into eating meat which has been killed in a poor manner. this is just one of the things that affects your day to day life without you ever realising.

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any one going to peterborogh for the english defense leage march tomo.

If you dont like whats happening in this country perhaps you should go. ILL BE THERE.


whats their agenda?

dont know there exact line. my grandfather came here from irland in the 50s like many others and he worked and they built most the roads and put a lot in to england. its the muslims the sarmarlis and all the other rubbish doing f all and dragging this once proud land down that im going there for myself.

i watched something about them and some other group on the tv a few weeks ago,

most lads who are into the dog job i reckon fill the same. the working class white lad dont matter. we cant even do are traditional hunting in our own land. would this have happened if mainly muslims owned lurchers and terriers . no way!!


excuse my ignorance, but what is DOG JOB? and what has traditional hunting got to do with muslims? it's not them that has brought in the laws,


No use looking for sense in these kind of posts mate I'm suprised they haven't blamed the muslims for the bad weather...and for the fella that posted about his grandfather coming from Ireland...read your history and see how welcome the Irish were made feel in Britain.

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any one going to peterborogh for the english defense leage march tomo.

If you dont like whats happening in this country perhaps you should go. ILL BE THERE.


whats their agenda?

dont know there exact line. my grandfather came here from irland in the 50s like many others and he worked and they built most the roads and put a lot in to england. its the muslims the sarmarlis and all the other rubbish doing f all and dragging this once proud land down that im going there for myself.

i watched something about them and some other group on the tv a few weeks ago,

most lads who are into the dog job i reckon fill the same. the working class white lad dont matter. we cant even do are traditional hunting in our own land. would this have happened if mainly muslims owned lurchers and terriers . no way!!


excuse my ignorance, but what is DOG JOB? and what has traditional hunting got to do with muslims? it's not them that has brought in the laws,


No use looking for sense in these kind of posts mate I'm suprised they haven't blamed the muslims for the bad weather...and for the fella that posted about his grandfather coming from Ireland...read your history and see how welcome the Irish were made feel in Britain.

no they werent made welcome.

They worked hard and intergrated and won people over.! can that be said about pakistanis and others who take whole areas over?

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no they werent made welcome.

They worked hard and intergrated and won people over.! can that be said about pakistanis and others who take whole areas over?



The reason they fitted in so easy is that the irish are essentially the same as us english...have the same values the same traditions and the same understanding of basic right and wrong....in other words we have a lot in common so can live side by side with no problems.....we have nothing in common with muslims from basic principals to normal everyday living so to expect us all to live together in harmony is unrealistic and unfair......

That said i think this EDL stuff is a waste of time,why pick out one single part of society to protest against....thats nothing to do with pride in your country so why they wave their little st georges cross flags i dont know....its like hating criminals then singling out burglars to protest against,why just burglars :blink:

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