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I am very fair and my friends know they will get a ban if needed and if you don't believe me look on Scottish lasses profile . Never ever have i been asked to look into a post and i have not done my best to help or sort it out as fair as i can .i know for a fact other mods are the same . But we are only human and can only do our best . Just tonight i have been sorting post out and helping members who cant get on the site for over a hour . When are you lot going to ever have a nice word to say about the mods who ALL give 100%

you think most of the members give a flying f*ck about the mods tracey ..think again most of them don't even get on with themselves never mind an anonymous mod on here ..the place is full of sh*te and until someone pulls the flush it won't get any better


Maybe a different mod team is needed then to flush the shite? A change is as good as a rest eh?


Mods are fine on here..........but you are right there is plenty of shite that wants flushing.......:thumbs:

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I dont claim to know much about the internet or forums but whats the big deal about arguments anyway....its not like its important so why the obssession with policing the forum so strictly....if peopl

You see, because your getting upset by my post which is making a valid point I'm being labeled a trouble maker. I'll not upset you anymore as I don't want to be on mod review or banned. It's a democra

Fair point, Gnasher but some folks aren't too thick skinned and take offence easily, especially if they're not used to this kind of place.   It is only the internet after all but when someone's tryi

You see, because your getting upset by my post which is making a valid point I'm being labeled a trouble maker. I'll not upset you anymore as I don't want to be on mod review or banned. It's a democracy so ask the members if there happy with the moderation. Put up a pole.

Edited by Appleseed
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You see, because your getting upset by my post which is making a valid point I'm being labeled a trouble maker. I'll not upset you anymore as I don't want to be on mod review or banned.


It's precisely because of people like you who make no contribution to the site whatsoever that Ian has seen fit to put up this post to sort out the arseholes. If you don't like the way the site is moderated.............do us all a favour.........go somewhere else to spout your bollox.:thumbs:

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Guest traceyg

I've only been here a few months give me a chance. No offence intended to anyone.


Yes just looked at your profile and been here from october 2010 and causing trouble , if you have issues hit the report button not stir shit

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Guest bullterrier

some people want to remember the mods on here come on here like everyone else and enjoy the site and read the topics fishing digging lurchers falconry what ever their interest they want but cant because of some of the rubbish people post on here wrecking good thread with silly name calling have done this and so on some a few members on here know a few weeks ago i was going to leave this site because of a few idiots but i stayed in the end because why should a few idiots spoil the site for everyone else some of you who have been here a while have a think about all the good members and very knowledgeable people that would help other members out that have left site over the years remember the the mods are members like everyone else they only really become a mod when need be or to help other members when they can if people don't like it leave and shut the on the way out ...:thumbs: ..john

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