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Symptoms of Dog and Cat Bites


A bite wound usually leaves two deep teeth marks in the skin and muscle.

Abrasions to the skin; sensitive when touched.



Abscess develops after a few days. You'll notice swelling around the wound and the presence of pus.

The site is red and painful. The abscess may burst, producing a foul smell.

Loss of appetite.

Fever, above 39.4° C (103° F).



If fresh, clean the wound with tepid water and disinfect with iodine.

Animals, especially cats, have abundant bacterial flora in their

mouths, making a bite wound a breeding ground for local and systemic infections.


ammoxcillin will fix the bugger up


just some shit to read :whistle:

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For a dog weighing about 22 to 25 kilos you would need 250mg of Amoxicillin twice a day: 500 mg twice a day would be too much even for your dog. If you have capsules pull them apart, get some hard butter or marg, pour half the contents into one half of the capsule, the other half into the other, bung the open ends up with fat, then give half twice a day for a minumum of 5 days. Hope this helps.

Edited by skycat
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Just been up to him and hes still not up to much, hes very sore and his leg is red and hot, ive given him one ammoxcillin tab and il give him one more tommorrow,


thanks for all the advice and the pms ive recieved, i will let you know how he is tommorrow,


as for the taking him to the vets, im not writing that out, but its a bit of a problem as how i get him out of the sleeping box, down the garden and into the car, as its going to be very painfull for him, hes a big dog and i dont fancy getting bit :blink:



Thanks bob

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Been up to him this morning and hes looking a bit perkier but still off his feet, felt his leg and it seemed a bit cooler, and he didnt wimper, hopefully the ammoxcillin is kicking in and he can have another this afternoon.


His gums are very pale and hes not eaten or drank so ive just syringed some water into him, terrier came in for a look and the lurcher showed his anger so hes not up to being messed about yet,


Can feel the puncture wounds in his leg but they are not wet, so no infection showing yet, just the swelling and red.



Again thanks for the advice



Cheers bob

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Thanks for the replys lads


Just been up to him now and he had a little stroll about, all be it on three legs, theres a lot of fluid on the leg but theres no sign of weeping on the wound, given him his second 500mg of ammoxcillin, still very red but didnt feel to hot.


To top it off the battery on my generator has died, im trying to hand feed the dog as he cant be bothered, syringing water into his mouth, torch between my legs with a flat battery, absolutely pouring down and running off my coat into my pants, what we do for our dogs hey :D



Cheers bob

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"What we do for our dogs"......... :hmm: not being funny Bob, but that dog has got an infection raging in him, dont piss about mate, get him down the vet...........unless you want to end up with a 3 leg dog or a dead one ;)


Do the right thing by the animal mate........I am sure he does by you ;)


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every dog ive seen scrap [bANNED TEXT] a cat has always come off bad on the underside of the front leg this also happened to my own dog i treated it myself with cut and heal ( this is shit stuff) but the hole got bigger and bigger and the leg got even more swolen dont waste any time get it too a vet

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im trying to hand feed the dog as he cant be bothered, syringing water into his mouth,

:no: Gums are pale, he is'nt eating or drinking to the extent you have to syringe water into him, and you have'nt taken him to the vets :icon_eek:

The infection is obviously now not just in his leg but in his whole system, takes alot to knock a dog off its food and water, get the poor beast to the vets.


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Guest oldskool
Thanks for the replys lads


Just been up to him now and he had a little stroll about, all be it on three legs, theres a lot of fluid on the leg but theres no sign of weeping on the wound, given him his second 500mg of ammoxcillin, still very red but didnt feel to hot.


To top it off the battery on my generator has died, im trying to hand feed the dog as he cant be bothered, syringing water into his mouth, torch between my legs with a flat battery, absolutely pouring down and running off my coat into my pants, what we do for our dogs hey :D



Cheers bob




consultaion from the vet mate will cost about a tenner... he might not have to do anythin if you tell him what you have done so far... then at least you will have piece of mind!!! if he does do somethin chances are it will only be an injection and a few tabs... it shouldnt cost a fortune!! he sounds like hes gettin really bad rob

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Thanks for the replies


Hes up on his feet now and drinking and eating, had him out of the run an hour ago and when i put him back in he started his normal whineing as he wants to be taken out,


Bit to earley for that yet, but hes putting weight on his leg now so maybee on the weekend, hes also had a penicillin jab today. :yes:


Cheers bob

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Get yourself to the chemists and get some zink phosphate drawing paste, shave the area and apply this then bandadge ,change dressing every 24 hours. works a treat draws out all the shite and needs no messing about. Also good on small thorns that cant be found. Used it many times befor,saves a lot of wasted cash at the vets ;)

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Guest bluenose
hi bob

, i just been to the vets with a sore leg on my dog he gave me anti biotics all that was in them was 200mg of amoxxiclin and 50mg of clavulanic acid so if you gunna give him your amoxicillin this is a guide for you my dog is 25 inch ish hope this helps

i know ill be using my amoxicillin the next time as th fecking vets charged me £40 for 10 tablets anyway good luck :D

hi mate wash the wound with hot salt water, 2/3 days dog will be fine cheers

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