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kenneled dogs in sub zero temps

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any tips for keeping our warriors a little wamer these days/nights types of bedding etc cheers


my four lurchers all sleep together on a double bed two foot off the floor in a draft free shed with a heat lamp on 24 hours and plenty of good food :thumbs:


same as david :thumbs: my heat lamp aint been off in weeks.

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Keep as many as possible together in the same kennel, provide plenty of bedding material and make it as draft free as possible. I keep three adults together and use loads of straw for bedding. Keep fresh water available as much as possible, it actually cuts down on the amount of feed your dogs will need believe it or not. jmo...

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Guest deerhound hunter

my 2 mother and son get into each others beds ,change blankets daily ,do it on a night and normally but in the tumble dryer so they warm ,whan i but them in ,hard winter for this seasons pups,my pup in the house for now

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i use shredded waxed paper off the greyhound lads keeps then warm and does not turn to mush when the dogs come back wet.. if your worried put a heat lamp in there with them.



same here, :thumbs: put the heat lamps on from 6pm - 10 am, leave off in the day as S.P keeps them warm :thumbs:

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Guest joely b

2and a half ft off floor boxed in 5x3 bed and light me logg burning stove in the shed 10pm every night they love it . bedding STAW,. as staw contucts body heat and keeps warm . worked for me for years .. plus plenys of raw tripe hi in fat and in this weather like a back on me dogs

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2and a half ft off floor boxed in 5x3 bed and light me logg burning stove in the shed 10pm every night they love it . bedding STAW,. as staw contucts body heat and keeps warm . worked for me for years .. plus plenys of raw tripe hi in fat and in this weather like a back on me dogs


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