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feral pigeons

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you use them to simulate a flush.


as your dog is quartering,you let it hunt a peace of ground a few times and throw the bird into some cover as it's back is turned.then get it to hunt the ground you've place the bird. :thumbs:


as soon as it flushes the bird :whistling: sit your dog up,[bang](hopefully only one shot :icon_redface:) then send your dog for a retrieve :big_boss:



only problems is,it's no good unless you have birds :no:

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well im in north yorkshire, so im a fair trek away, but im sure i could catch ye a few if ye get stuck


they are easy mate, big dog cage open door, few beans an seeds inside, an a long string to pull door shut.....


most farmers will pay ye tae get rid a them :thumbs:

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Im sure theres a law or two being broken here


to trap birds for re-sale Im sure you'd need a licence

when trapping, your agreeing to swiftly dispatch, thus not prolonging the stress of a "live" animal/bird in a cage


releasing a "pest" into an unknown enviroment


releasing a caught bird for death by dogs :hmm:


I can understand the logic behind the reason, but the do-gooders out there would'ent

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no death by dog :gunsmilie:



I took it as that, but others may not

it was more the case of trapping, yet not killing instantly, but then using them in training a dog, I could be totally wrong,


presumably you'vre checked up on any laws already before asking though :hmm:

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