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nice mate.bess is fine mate.on the lamp she does ok will pick a squatter out the beam at over 100 yards.havent done loads but shes had about 50 rabbits now.her trouble is she yaps like feck in the day.fine on the lamp but if its a bolted rabbit from the ferrets she opens up.annoys the hell out of me.that said she has done very little with the ferrets so it might be a case of getting to know the game a bit.cant nock her temperament though does what shes told and always full of beans.shes about the only dog on my mates shoot that dont need a lead.has bear caught much game?.anyway all the best and have a good new year.mat.


Heyup Matt hope you had a good xmas mate,,, sounds like she doing well on the lamp if shes taking squatters at range already she knows the game.


With regard yapping mate,, the bitch is probably that keen, if she sees them heading for cover in daylight its frustration knowing they are going to get away,,, if a young dogs left too mooch about and it sees too much getting to cover when there young they will oftern open up out of frustration some are more prone to it depending on breed i rekon mate. Eveyone works there dogs different mate,, for example if i go out in the day with a young dog that is being brought on for the lamp,, i wont let them mooch about,, i will keep them on the lead as muh as i can untill something pops up,, i let the old bitch mooch and find stuff, then slip the youngun if it occurs. I dont want the dog in the habbit of scenting up or knocking stuff into cover all the time, as it may start too scent up at night on the lamp on return after a slip and also i have know a few dogs start to pik there runs pretty quick when they see alot going to cover in daylight. And also a few whippet crosses start to open up in day around cover.

Iam gonna take a guess mate and say the bitch has done a fair bit of mooching off the lead in the day with the springer and or gundogs and seen alot go to cover in daylight in her younger months, because she is young and keen it will drive her mad and can sicken a dog.

I would just try to keep her on the lead more,, and let her on the right stuff that she has more a chance at as opposed to roaming and running at all she sees,, once she knows the crack iam sure she will settle with a few kills under her belt in the day.

Bear doing fine mate, taken to lamp well, never had a yap out of her ,, :thumbs: ,, all the best for the new year Matt :thumbs: .

i dont let any dog just roam about off a lead.bess is rarely on a lead cos she dont need one.she wont touch rabbits in the net.i have been selective with her quarry where pos im hoping she settles down abbit later on.think she is a late maturerer.like big t just said she done me a very good turn yesturday :thumbs: .will pm you details.

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nice mate.bess is fine mate.on the lamp she does ok will pick a squatter out the beam at over 100 yards.havent done loads but shes had about 50 rabbits now.her trouble is she yaps like feck in the day.fine on the lamp but if its a bolted rabbit from the ferrets she opens up.annoys the hell out of me.that said she has done very little with the ferrets so it might be a case of getting to know the game a bit.cant nock her temperament though does what shes told and always full of beans.shes about the only dog on my mates shoot that dont need a lead.has bear caught much game?.anyway all the best and have a good new year.mat.


Heyup Matt hope you had a good xmas mate,,, sounds like she doing well on the lamp if shes taking squatters at range already she knows the game.


With regard yapping mate,, the bitch is probably that keen, if she sees them heading for cover in daylight its frustration knowing they are going to get away,,, if a young dogs left too mooch about and it sees too much getting to cover when there young they will oftern open up out of frustration some are more prone to it depending on breed i rekon mate. Eveyone works there dogs different mate,, for example if i go out in the day with a young dog that is being brought on for the lamp,, i wont let them mooch about,, i will keep them on the lead as muh as i can untill something pops up,, i let the old bitch mooch and find stuff, then slip the youngun if it occurs. I dont want the dog in the habbit of scenting up or knocking stuff into cover all the time, as it may start too scent up at night on the lamp on return after a slip and also i have know a few dogs start to pik there runs pretty quick when they see alot going to cover in daylight. And also a few whippet crosses start to open up in day around cover.

Iam gonna take a guess mate and say the bitch has done a fair bit of mooching off the lead in the day with the springer and or gundogs and seen alot go to cover in daylight in her younger months, because she is young and keen it will drive her mad and can sicken a dog.

I would just try to keep her on the lead more,, and let her on the right stuff that she has more a chance at as opposed to roaming and running at all she sees,, once she knows the crack iam sure she will settle with a few kills under her belt in the day.

Bear doing fine mate, taken to lamp well, never had a yap out of her ,, :thumbs: ,, all the best for the new year Matt :thumbs: .

was out with matt yesterday and seen his bitch workin ho yes and di she do him a good turn :thumbs::thumbs:


Yeah just recieved p,m good stuff,,, tell him save me a steak :thumbs: .






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My bitch is doing fine at ferreting and lamping, which she was bought for. Hasn't been tried on anything bigger, as they are just not around... :thumbs:


Good to hear she doing well Hywel,,, hope u had a great christmas,, did santa bring you a camera (hint hint) lol :tongue2: ,,,, would really like to see a recent pic of that bitch.

No much of that stuff about here iam affraid and what is ,,, is well watched lol. unfortunatley :hmm: .,,,,, I think Matts ok down there though :laugh: . jammy git.

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