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rossi & hunter


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Last night (sunday 12th) me and my hunting buddy set of to our permission around 9pm, upon arrival we were greeted with a cold, still and dark night, unfortunately this left a crunchy crust of due over all the grass so stelth walking would make or break us.


We arrived at our permission just intime to see a rabbit running across the car park for cover (we wern't quick enough on this occasion, the last one that try'd that met lead).

After parking the van and equiping ourselves we set off meandering through the car park around the frozen puddles and mounds of gravel we turned right through the trees and through the stream and climbed the slippery frozen bank on the other side,

A quick flash of the lamp left and righ, two sets of jewels lit up 70yds down the left hand bush line near a known warren, a slow silent stalk began apart from CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH Bloody frost!

Bugz heard us a mile off and hopped into the stubble of the summers weeds and foliage covering the mound of earth containing the warren,

As we aproached steve was the first to spot him in the red glow of the lamp only to watch his white fluffy bum dissapear over the brow of the mound, as this was unfolding I headed down the side to find a position where he would pass infront of me if he continued on that line, witch he did :-)

I could see him through the thick cover but no shot, I waited patiently, the target moved forward unaware each move may be his last, with a flick of the lamp switch and the reflection of the eye and a steady squeeze of the trigger an oppertunity siezed,

After a quick search with the headlamp one in the bag :-), please attatch pic ste ;-).

Wil let steve carry on the write up from here. . .


Thanks for reading guys.

.atb. .ste.

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Cheers davy, theres 1 or 2 rabbits over here and if you turn your scope up to a high mag on the back of there head it reads 'reserved for scope cam sniper' lol, we stil need a fixtures list tho mate :).


Hey fry, yea good to not blank, we had one each, thats why I left it open for steve to carry on from where I left it (it was blinkin cold mind).


.atb. .ste.

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