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Black Widow.

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Ayee up.


Spent some time on the s200 today.

Stripped the laquer and stain from from the stock, and gave it a good sanding.





Fancied a change, so used solvent based stain to colour the woodwork.

After letting it dry for 6 hrs, I then applied a liberal coat of CCL Conditioning Gun Stock Oil.

Rubbing it hard into the wood generating heat with the hand so it soaked in nicely.



Here she is......."The Black Widow" :laugh:











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Looks sweet Bill!


That stain brings out the grain nicely! Like the hamster too pal looks well, how did you atatch it? Ive been thinking about knocking one up for my HFT shooting. Thinking about a stong velcro attatchment so its easily removable when not required.


Kind Regards,



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Nice work there Bill :gunsmilie:


Like I said in email, I'd often thought about doing that sort of thing with the stock.

Never did it though, cuz I'd have fecked it up :doh:


I see the trigger guard arrived then well done to your postie :notworthy:

Our posties are not allowed to deliver the mail here due to the H&S implications FFS :wallbash:

When I worked at the local sub post office we HAD to get the mail out no matter what!


But get this!! The paper boys and girls are out making their deliveries and they aint moaning about it :notworthy:


Now go get dem thar bunnies buddy :victory:



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  On 06/12/2010 at 18:31, Phantom said:

Hey Bill,


Got to thinking while the forum was down about your stock :yes:


Was thinking, what about naming it after the Black Labradore that Wing Commander Guy Gibson had back in the 40's?






I dont think Muttley quite cuts it Tony :rofl::rofl:;)

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  On 06/12/2010 at 18:31, rossi_j said:

Nice one bill, 'the black widow' like it :)


Im with phantom, I also have good ideas then I remember the last time I had a good idea and how mutch of a balls up I made. . .

.Get at em bill. .atb. .ste.



Hiya Ste.


Thanks buddy, I was just lucky :laugh:






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