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meaning of words?

Guest crobinc840

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heres one crob the know all:PISS OFF means GO AWAY!

fen hare = touble, crabbers idiots non believers and jealousy, fen dog = trouble, crabbers idiots ,non believers and jealousy barmaid = trouble cabbers idiots ,non beliievers and je

Brown nose = "men" like snoopdog who perform oral on other men with permision on the fens to get there dogs running on the fens, similar to holding another mans trouser pocket whilst in the slammer

I'm trying to figure out the lingo and would like a bit of help. I'm American and new to ferreting so please be kind. Can you tell me what the following words mean?


Fen hare

Fen dog



and sometimes after someone shows a picture there are letters, I'm assuming they stand for something?


I know there are plenty more so if you can tell me the meaning of any words you think I might not know I'd like to see them.

Thanks all :thumbs:

fen hare = touble, crabbers idiots non believers and jealousy,

fen dog = trouble, crabbers idiots ,non believers and jealousy

barmaid = trouble cabbers idiots ,non beliievers and jealousy

thats what all these three words will fetch you...so if you run the fen hare with a fen dog and your

knocking your local barmaid off ...just keep it to yourself ..because it dont half fetch the dickheads

out of the closet if you mention any of these three .....hope this helps....snoop...



But could you do 3 out of 3 barmaids :whistling:


He probably could but if he did he'd be in deep trouble :nono:


WTF kind of wack post is this anyway? My guess is the OP can work out what piss take means. And if not perhaps a definition of the word numpty is in order.


Americans, I despair ....

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