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Another one bites the dust

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Was talking to John earlier on and we decided to head out for an hour tonight. Up the end of the valley again and saw a lamp shy bugger right at the start. Off he zoomed up the ridge and up the side of the mountain, goodbye, good night and good luck.


I brought along my Yukon ranger to test out the new 2x lens I got to replace the 5x lens. Only one problem, the inbuilt IR source - which is quite good in itself - wasn't designed for that magnification. So, it was like looking into a big black rectangle with a green circle in the middle of it :laugh:


Not to worry, I'm going to fashion some sort of arm for the tripod, and mount a LF 170 with an IR filter on it. Going to be heavier than I'd intended but what can ya do!.... Unless I find something better....


After about 45 minutes of standing about in a freezing moderate wind we decided to leave. I think the icicles hanging off Johns nose done it for him :laugh: Layers, plenty of layers!


Arriving back at the car I flashed the lamp down the valley and picked up an eye. Off we walked down the road and headed up and out onto the bog. Called for a minute and saw the eyes slowly move over a hill and farther down the valley - not interested.


But, on the face of the mountain I saw a bright reflection hurtling downwards, we're in business.


She had to come in quite a ways, went behind a hill and came out into a "boulder field". Sat down behind the rifle on a hillock I caught sight of our fox twice before she would disappear again behind another boulder. When she had a look out from behind the last boulder I could clearly see her head and neck.


Decided to take a neck shot, squeezed off a Federal and thwap! Over she went without protest.


A lovely vixen, about 130 yards. Photo doesn't do either of us justice :laugh:




Got back to the car and checked the temp gauge I'd hung on the radio aerial. Not nearly as cold as it felt!



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I average just over 40 foxes per year, say from end of September to May sometime (lambing is late here). Least I've gotten in a year is 35, most is 55. I think I may get more than that this year as we're nearly always guaranteed 20ish at lambing.


Bottled it tonight myself, was going to go out and mess about with the Yukon Ranger, but I can't find the top of the tripod anywhere.

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