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ordering from america

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i ordered a pair of boots from cabelas site at the start of december,but haven't arrived yet.


e-mailed them and they said if they haven't arrived by march give them a call.


just wondering has anyone ordered stuff from these in passed and how long did it take

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

That's completely f*cking outrageous! :icon_eek: I ship a Lot of gear in from the states. Get mine within a week or so of sending for it!


'Mind you; I Do pay for Air. If ye having it sent by tramp steamer, to save those few measily quid? Just get on with ye life and forget all about the goods, mate. They will turn up - eventually.


Customs? Absolute lottery. They jump on incoming packages completely at random. Some ye win .....

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Guest Macnas

That is interesting, I was considering ordering a coat from cabela's myself. I think, perhaps now I shan't.


I have ordered odds and ends from the 'States before and found delivery time to be, in general, very good.


But 3 months sounds like far too long.

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Guest baldie

Surface mail comes by ship, and can take weeks, because the captain can take , just what he fancies. We have had firearms, etc left on the dock, because the captain didnt want them on his ship...i shit you not. :no: Best way is us post [air mail] but UPS is faster, but a little dearer. Dont worry, i,ve had rakes of allsorts from the states, it always get here, never lost owt yet.

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I buy lot's of gear from the states, never had any bother, BUT, allways had it sent by air, a few days to a couple of weeks, but if your stuff is coming by tramp steamer, could be up to 6 months !!!. You should only pay customs duty if the goods cost over £140, and then only if the sender declares the cost on the green sticker.


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For goods moving within the EU, import duties and taxes do not usually apply. However, for goods imported from non-EU countries, Customs charges do apply, these may include import duty, excise duty and import VAT. Goods with a value exceeding £18 (for commercial items including internet/mail order purchases), or £36 in the case of gifts between private individuals, are generally subject to Customs charges. Normally charges are calculated upon the declared value (plus shipping costs for commercial items).


I'm pretty sure the sender only needs to sign the declaration sticker if the item is over a certain weight. Not many commercial sellers will sign a false declaration.

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