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Thinking of adding a Bedlington to my pack want to do my research to ensure I get the right one from a good line


there was what looked like a good litter advertised in countrymans weekley month or so back text them to enquier if another mating was on the cards but no reply :thumbdown:


you hear plenty bannded about refering to guthcommon and rillington lines I have read John glovers book looked at the background.


Any advice?? I dont mind travelling for the right pup out of a cracking line


I will be starting to look end of january all advice and recomendations greatfully recived :notworthy:

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Depends what type of hunting it will be used for,id leave the Gutchcommon stuff alone,K.C. breeding,if its a bushing dog you will have little trouble finding one,an earth dog will be harder to find.Try the Working Bedlington Forum, there will pups available.Wait to find the right pup,id look for the earth type,then if you decide in years to come that youve got the Beddy bug,youll have decent stuff to breed from.[To much rubbish about]

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Like Morton said get on the working bedlington forum the folks on there know their stuff and someone will be able to help you, one good thing is you don't get these big slaging matches that you find on other forums. I got a bitch pup off someone on the forum and I'm well pleased with her she's almost 15 weeks now and a right hand full.

All the best

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Thanks for that chapp intresting lots of the adverts state guthcommon/rillington lines


The dog I requier would be for bushing with the pack so I am best to stay along the rillington lines


I will check out the working beddlington forum


has anybody else got any advice?

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Don,t get to struck with certain bloodlines,a lot of these lines are bandied around with little substance to them,its usually a selling ploy.Go for a pup thats bred out of workers of the right type,insist on seeing at least the dam at work,the sire if possible.You won,t be dissapointed with the right pup they make excellent bushing companions.Most of the decent working Beddys now have a percentage of Lakey or fell in their breeding,if you are offered one that as none id walk away.

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check this out http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/2699-working-bedlingtons-2005/ get comfy theres plenty of it and you can see the real deals on there as for all the adverts take them all with a pinch of salt do your homework find the workers and not the sherkers

thats one hell of a post topper :thumbs: thanks for the link some pics not showing but intresting read heave on fox side not a problem but i will lean toward rabbits with the hope of a dog game enough to do the do if renard is above ground


going to visit the working beddy forum thanks for the info guys :notworthy:

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Thinking of adding a Bedlington to my pack want to do my research to ensure I get the right one from a good line


there was what looked like a good litter advertised in countrymans weekley month or so back text them to enquier if another mating was on the cards but no reply :thumbdown:


you hear plenty bannded about refering to guthcommon and rillington lines I have read John glovers book looked at the background.


Any advice?? I dont mind travelling for the right pup out of a cracking line


I will be starting to look end of january all advice and recomendations greatfully recived :notworthy:

:blink: Glover wouldn't know a working bedlington if you slapped the twat in the face with it... :blink:

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Thinking of adding a Bedlington to my pack want to do my research to ensure I get the right one from a good line


there was what looked like a good litter advertised in countrymans weekley month or so back text them to enquier if another mating was on the cards but no reply :thumbdown:


you hear plenty bannded about refering to guthcommon and rillington lines I have read John glovers book looked at the background.


Any advice?? I dont mind travelling for the right pup out of a cracking line


I will be starting to look end of january all advice and recomendations greatfully recived :notworthy:

:blink: Glover wouldn't know a working bedlington if you slapped the twat in the face with it... :blink:

I looked through the link topper put up up in reply to this post you had some cracking looking dogs back then :notworthy: I am looking more for a bushing dog mainly on rabbits but capable above ground if required :whistling: , I have just joined the working beddlington forum and from some of the feed back there is a bit of fell and or lakeie in the line do you know anbody breeding dogs that would suit what i am working towards? part of a pack with lurchers doing the open stuff and Jrt`s in the real heavy cover but the bedly gives me somthing to bridge the gap :thumbs:

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I had a similar problem not too long back. I was looking for a 1st cross Bedlington / Whippet. I came across numerous adverts for Beddy x Whippet/Greyhound, Beddy/Whippet x Collie/Greyhound ect ect. But I wanted a 1st cross for ferreting, shooting ect. Anyway after 6/7 weeks of looking I stopped at the village shop for some Bacon and I picked up a Free ad type paper that I wouldnt usually look at and found a litter of 1st cross pups. I bought the paper and after the bacon sandwich I phoned the advert, spoke to the chap who owned them and arrange a visit as he was only 15 miles away. So after picking a friend up on the way to the sellers house we arrived at his place and started chatting. As it happened the Dam was a KC Bedlington from the Rillington line and was an absolute belting bitch to look at and obviously a grafter by the way she looked! Then we viewed the Sire, a KC Whippet (Laguna) of which worked with lamp and ferret. So ... the breeding and working parents were there so we viewed the pups. As it were there were only 3 bitches remaining which suited me fine. I took to the shy one that was very unhappy to move from the corner of the dog run, paid the chap the full asking price which I was more then happy to pay. Anyway the bitch is now 9 months old. Shes very loyal, works with gun, ferret, bigger dogs, sits, stays and retrieves fur and feather. I should have got her 15 years ago!!! After xmas I will be up-ing her work as i've only been breaking her into it steady but shouldnt be a problem as shes far more intelligent then me! I'll try and get a pic of her soon. I know the threads really about pure Bedlingtons but my advice would be to wait awhile for the right dog and dont rush into just anything! Atb, MRD.

Edited by MRD
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I had a similar problem not too long back. I was looking for a 1st cross Bedlington / Whippet. I came across numerous adverts for Beddy x Whippet/Greyhound, Beddy/Whippet x Collie/Greyhound ect ect. But I wanted a 1st cross for ferreting, shooting ect. Anyway after 6/7 weeks of looking I stopped at the village shop for some Bacon and I picked up a Free ad type paper that I wouldnt usually look at and found a litter of 1st cross pups. I bought the paper and after the bacon sandwich I phoned the advert, spoke to the chap who owned them and arrange a visit as he was only 15 miles away. So after picking a friend up on the way to the sellers house we arrived at his place and started chatting. As it happened the Dam was a KC Bedlington from the Rillington line and was an absolute belting bitch to look at and obviously a grafter by the way she looked! Then we viewed the Sire, a KC Whippet (Laguna) of which worked with lamp and ferret. So ... the breeding and working parents were there so we viewed the pups. As it were there were only 3 bitches remaining which suited me fine. I took to the shy one that was very unhappy to move from the corner of the dog run, paid the chap the full asking price which I was more then happy to pay. Anyway the bitch is now 9 months old. Shes very loyal, works with gun, ferret, bigger dogs, sits, stays and retrieves fur and feather. I should have got her 15 years ago!!! After xmas I will be up-ing her work as i've only been breaking her into it steady but shouldnt be a problem as shes far more intelligent then me! I'll try and get a pic of her soon. I know the threads really about pure Bedlingtons but my advice would be to wait awhile for the right dog and dont rush into just anything! Atb, MRD.

cheres MRD top advice like i said theire looked to be a good add in the countrymans weekley but they did not reply to the enquirey refrence a repeate mating I will only take a dog if a)the tim is right for me and i can provide the pup with 100% attention for the first 6 months b)if the make up looks good with both dam and sire working I will wait till i have some good contacts off the forums I am in the market for another lurcher but waiting for the right dog I have made friends with a couple of guys i realy respect on the lurcher section so hopfully they will come up with the goods. Incidentley I have a Beddy whip 1st cross whats your bitch tts ? My dogs dam was the beddy and he is a little smaller than i would like adapts well though as he stands on his hind legs when we are out lamping to give him a better view clever little fooker Atb Badger

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I had a similar problem not too long back. I was looking for a 1st cross Bedlington / Whippet. I came across numerous adverts for Beddy x Whippet/Greyhound, Beddy/Whippet x Collie/Greyhound ect ect. But I wanted a 1st cross for ferreting, shooting ect. Anyway after 6/7 weeks of looking I stopped at the village shop for some Bacon and I picked up a Free ad type paper that I wouldnt usually look at and found a litter of 1st cross pups. I bought the paper and after the bacon sandwich I phoned the advert, spoke to the chap who owned them and arrange a visit as he was only 15 miles away. So after picking a friend up on the way to the sellers house we arrived at his place and started chatting. As it happened the Dam was a KC Bedlington from the Rillington line and was an absolute belting bitch to look at and obviously a grafter by the way she looked! Then we viewed the Sire, a KC Whippet (Laguna) of which worked with lamp and ferret. So ... the breeding and working parents were there so we viewed the pups. As it were there were only 3 bitches remaining which suited me fine. I took to the shy one that was very unhappy to move from the corner of the dog run, paid the chap the full asking price which I was more then happy to pay. Anyway the bitch is now 9 months old. Shes very loyal, works with gun, ferret, bigger dogs, sits, stays and retrieves fur and feather. I should have got her 15 years ago!!! After xmas I will be up-ing her work as i've only been breaking her into it steady but shouldnt be a problem as shes far more intelligent then me! I'll try and get a pic of her soon. I know the threads really about pure Bedlingtons but my advice would be to wait awhile for the right dog and dont rush into just anything! Atb, MRD.

cheres MRD top advice like i said theire looked to be a good add in the countrymans weekley but they did not reply to the enquirey refrence a repeate mating I will only take a dog if a)the tim is right for me and i can provide the pup with 100% attention for the first 6 months b)if the make up looks good with both dam and sire working I will wait till i have some good contacts off the forums I am in the market for another lurcher but waiting for the right dog I have made friends with a couple of guys i realy respect on the lurcher section so hopfully they will come up with the goods. Incidentley I have a Beddy whip 1st cross whats your bitch tts ? My dogs dam was the beddy and he is a little smaller than i would like adapts well though as he stands on his hind legs when we are out lamping to give him a better view clever little fooker Atb Badger

She's 17" tts at the minute. To be fare I bought her for Ferreting, Lamping, mooching/ bush work and Shooting (from the 4x4). I just wanted this type of dog to fill a working gap, but I also have Spaniels, Saluki x's, Earth work Terriers and pleasently so a 10 week old bull X! I would like to say though that if I would have trained Lilly (my Beddy x) the same way I trained my Cockers, she would excell! a very bright bitch indeed. Atb, MRD.

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Thinking of adding a Bedlington to my pack want to do my research to ensure I get the right one from a good line


there was what looked like a good litter advertised in countrymans weekley month or so back text them to enquier if another mating was on the cards but no reply :thumbdown:


you hear plenty bannded about refering to guthcommon and rillington lines I have read John glovers book looked at the background.


Any advice?? I dont mind travelling for the right pup out of a cracking line


I will be starting to look end of january all advice and recomendations greatfully recived :notworthy:


Hi mate,theres a pest controler D mkenna from the scottish borders who bred beddys,im not a beddy man so i dont know much about there lines etc, but on the hear say they were meant to be not bad.Maybe some of the border lads on here could shine some light on this atb andri :thumbs:

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