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info on ferrets

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cheers millet


I got my ferret the same time as all the other breeders were advertising ferrets here in western australia


so i guess she'll come in season in a few months when its spring


im gonna have to find a snipped hob to bring her out of season


or would you say a jill on her first season would be ok to be put into kit?

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cheers for the info


is it a certain time when they are in season that you have to mate, or just when them come on at any time?


would be nice to have my own little line of ferrets, the female i got is rather big for a female, or thats what my mate says anyway, biggest he has ever seen


shes a silver mitt, the male my mate owns is a polecat


both have excellent temperaments(mate says best he's ever seen) they never bite anyone and are a real pleasure to have in company

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