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Butter Vs Margarine

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  Taffy said:
I cant believe I ve just sat & read a thread about marg v butter.............Worryingly I really enjoyed it !!!!!!!!...............& I'm also waiting for the results of Ditch's experiment............I need to f*****g get out more !!!!!!!!



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Ditch i would of thought you would of at least put it on a plate, not just spread straight onto the window sill :laugh: Keep us upto date on the experiment, it will be interesting to see how it keeps. I think trying butter as a control would be a good idea just to see the difference.


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ditchy both samples need to be kept at a steady temp to get accurate resultss and out of any day light, as i don't know the quaility of both your marge and butter i can't do anything other than watch from the other side of the world, butter will soon go rancid if left out in the sun and marge will of course change as the oil content changes with temp.....molly some spreadable butter is usallay softened with canola oil, semi soft is butter than has been churned twice and refrigderated so just plain butter, looking at some cooking programmes from the u.k i am shocked at [bANNED TEXT] sort of butter i see, some almost white that spits when put in a pan, the butter we send to you guys is of a very high standard, low moisture with a bit of salt added, and yellow from pasture feed cows, i hope they don't add anything to it once they get it :hmm:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
  jasper65 said:
You can try this yourself: Purchase a tub of margarine and leave it in your garage or shaded area. Within a couple of days you will note a couple of things: * no flies, not even those pesky Fruit flies will go near it (that should tell you something) * it does not rot or smell differently because it has no nutritional value; nothing will grow on it Even those teeny weeny microorganisms will not a find a home to grow. Why? Because it is nearly plastic.



Kiwi; That's the bit I'm acting on here, mate. In fact I guess, if we retrospectavly re evaluate this whole situation; What I'm really out to do here is not to prove the common sensicle facts of Butter (like, we all know butter will get mouldy and vile if left exposed to anything but cool air and preferably covered. That's why the butter dishes we grew up with had loose fitting covers.)


No. It's wether or not Margerine has the good grace to follow that. Like, leave out butter, milk, eggs, cheese? Ye gonna end up with something to make ye nose wrinkle as ye ditch it at arms length. I'm just curious to see if this (Top of the range. Best quality, by the way) Margerine will naturally go vile. Or will it just sit there, glaring at me, " Because it's nearly plastic. "



Witton; Why not on a plate? Simple, mate; I don't own a plate! :laugh: Simple as that.



Hey; Anyone want to see what becomes of the finest quality Whole Grain bread, in the 'Shitters kitchen ..... after about Two Months? I can show ye! It's right out there on the shelf! :D

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ahhhhhhhhh right ya wanna see if anything will grow on it. it will as the main base should be amf, anhydrous milk fat or melted butter with 99.9 percent of the water removed,{clarified butter,or ghee for our curry muncher mates}


as for the plastic element, get a litre of milk,full cream, add some vinegar, about 250mls put in a jar and watch the results the resulting curd when seperated through some mutton clouth will give you the raw casien which when baked turns into a form of plastic, buttons and pool balls are made of it. it is also used for food products like crab and fish sticks after the colour and flavor is added, bit of useless info :whistle: can also tell you how we get vodka from cows too lol.

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  kiwi said:
ahhhhhhhhh right ya wanna see if anything will grow on it. it will as the main base should be amf, anhydrous milk fat or melted butter with 99.9 percent of the water removed,{clarified butter,or ghee for our curry muncher mates}


get a litre of milk,full cream,


Get real full fat milk! you must be joking :laugh: we arent allowed that over here!! Closest you get to proper milk in the shops is jersey milk. but compare that with the jersey milk in milk tanks and even that doesnt compare :icon_eek:


holstien milk straight from the tank and left to stand has a good dollop of cream on the top, you wont find that on Full fat milk in supermarket. :no:


Along the going off lines, has anyone else noticed that semi skimmed milk appears to go off quicker than full fat milk? :hmm: on the few occasions that we have had to buy it, it never seems to stay fresh as long as full fat.

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  Taffy said:
ahh jesus.its 6.20am & I am up ......... The first thing I have done is check to see how the experiment is going...................I need to get a life.......... :whistle: ............ I'm about to go for a day out with the lurchers.......I'll check on the progress later..............WHAT AM I SAYING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thats exacty what i have done just, infact i did it yesterday as well :laugh: i am really enjoying the experiment & hope Ditch does the milk vinager test or someone ese does it, its all good clean fun & i am sure we will be remarking on the Marg v butter thread in years to come :laugh:


I defo need to get a life & get out more :D

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I'll go back up and look into the vinager thing. I have some Cider Vinager here. Suppose that'll do? Only I'm not about to buy half a supermarket and clutter my place up with more unwanted stuff!


Making butter, eh? Interesting. They say cream? I wonder if Goats Milk will do??? My female's carrying right now. Come the spring I dare say I could wrestly a drop away from the kids? I might well give That a go too. Could be fun! :D


Anyway, wait there. I'm just off to check that marg' .....



Nope! Absolutely No Change What So Ever! Damn stuff's just sitting there. Might indeed as well be a blob of f*cking plastic!


Oh well. Early days yet :whistle:


We certainly get our moneys worth at THL, eh? :laugh:

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
I'll go back up and look into the vinager thing. I have some Cider Vinager here. Suppose that'll do? Only I'm not about to buy half a supermarket and clutter my place up with more unwanted stuff!


Making butter, eh? Interesting. They say cream? I wonder if Goats Milk will do??? My female's carrying right now. Come the spring I dare say I could wrestly a drop away from the kids? I might well give That a go too. Could be fun! :D


Anyway, wait there. I'm just off to check that marg' .....



Nope! Absolutely No Change What So Ever! Damn stuff's just sitting there. Might indeed as well be a blob of f*cking plastic!


Oh well. Early days yet :whistle:


We certainly get our moneys worth at THL, eh? :laugh:

ive just let my 2 eldest read this and theyre now refusing to ever eat marge again,my wifes just hit me for winding them up,and told me im sad and need to get off the feckin computer, i havent laughed so much in ages, must be gettin old. :laugh::laugh:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

That's just the point, Nelson; To date, after all this time? Absolutely f*cking Nothing!!! It's still just sat there. Hasn't changed an iota. " Plastic "!


Tell ye what though; The rest of that tub went slingers days ago! I'll not be touching that stuff any more! :icon_eek:

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