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Guest Frank

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Back in 1982, when i was a young lad, we were into most country sports, as i am now, ferreting mainly in them days, coursing, shooting ect.


We did not have truck fulls of DVDs, playstations ect, but just the country side to enjoy. :)


Every now and then, a good ducumentry would come up on the box, that we would watch.

At this particular time, Jack Charlton, brought out a few serieses concerning different country sports and one of them was ferreting and boy did we love watching that. :D


Ok, enough rabbiting, let me get to the point.


My question, their was 2 fellas on the ferreting one, Ken Griffits and Jim walsh, who demonstrated what they did in great detail, just wondering, did anyone know these 2 characters, wonder if they are still doing what they were doing back then?

Love to know how they are getting on now, so folks, if anone by any chance knows these 2 chaps, let me know, as they were an icon to us in the days when info was at a minimal level.

They were from Yorkshire some place, as was said on the documentry and i still have it to this day, in perfect condition and love watching it the odd time. :)


PM if you want. ;)





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:laugh: Yes, it was funnys alright ginger dave. :D


Ian, ahhh yes, thats the one and the good old days it was :yes:


Sooo, no body out their that know of these 2 lads then? :blink:


Love to know what they are doing now, my old time heros. :D



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Hello Frank


I remember Ken & Jim well, although I didn't know them personally, they organised the ferret shows at Chatsworth country fair, unfortunatly Ken passed away some time around 1995(date could be way out)and Jim I believe died some time after.



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:cry: O no, thats a shame and i only got to find out about it now, where have i been all this time. :blink:


Thanks very much bob, for letting me know about the lads. :)


They did not seem too old in the documentry?

But time goes by so quick, its amazing.


As said, still have the copy and still like watching it from time to time. ;)


R.I.P, Ken and Jim. :good:



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