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genetics v nurture?

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its not all down to breeding. lets put it in an easy way to understand. 2 mates take up shooting, both buy the same gun and cartridges, lad 1 only shoots at weekends, lad 2 shoots everyday. after 12 months they have a round on the clays guess witch one won?

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its not the dog in the fight its the fight in the dog you just gotta hope you got one made of the right stuff.

my bich is a cracker! my 9 month old dog pup not from same blood at all just dosent look lik eits gona have the right stuff could be rong but even taking him to every dig letting him see a bit not too much dont look as yet his gona make it.certainly dont look like hell be anything like the bich time will tell but judging in there behaviours alot to do with whats in the dog.

i personally think every dog is different.

could be wrong only nine month old i know still very young his self enteerd not dug to him yet though time will tell.but just seems to lack somethiing.


Not saying your pup is or isn't what you want, but if you look hard enough and long enough no pup will be perfect in your eyes. Just something to consider, its easy to be hard on a pup without realizing that you're doing it sometimes. I'd think at 9 months you can tell too much can you?

perhaps not probaly asking too much tbh, its an interesting topic i certainly belive that alot of it is to do with breeding andd like a dogss senses are bred into them or there abilities can be helped by breeding for what you want in your dog is decided buy genetics by using good dogs for scenting so you get dogs with good noses this comes from genteics mainly i thjink personally struggle to nurture a dog into having a good nose.

also your getting your size,

speed if you know what i mean you caan give them a a good breading with using what you want to get a few aspects how you like them but as i said i think there personalitys have alot to do with it and each dog alike us is differnt and nothing to do with genetics.

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its not all down to breeding. lets put it in an easy way to understand. 2 mates take up shooting, both buy the same gun and cartridges, lad 1 only shoots at weekends, lad 2 shoots everyday. after 12 months they have a round on the clays guess witch one won?



Assuming lad 1 isnt davy crockett.

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its not all down to breeding. lets put it in an easy way to understand. 2 mates take up shooting, both buy the same gun and cartridges, lad 1 only shoots at weekends, lad 2 shoots everyday. after 12 months they have a round on the clays guess witch one won?


That assumes that both lads have the same breeding if gun 1 had poor breeding was undershot and had a dappy eye and bow legs then all the practice in the world wouldn't help :thumbs:

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think mr hawkins might disagree. yes some with natural ability will learn quicker but in the end theres no subsitute for getting them out there, most get brushed off without even being tried properly, kept locked up for weeks then expected to be a world beater on the one day someone decides to take them out. Then binned off further down the low life chain as being a jacker or what ever the new inword is. give them a proper chance then if they dont make the grade pts. if this was done by all we wouldnt be having this chat and the terrier world wouldnt be full of shit.

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As I have said if it doesnt want to work you will not make it work but you can sure help one that does want to. . . .


Are you saying soft dogs don't want to hunt? ;)

What do you mean when you say soft? dog do you mean bayer? If so then no im not saying they dont want to work if it stays and sees its job through consistantly then thats ideal but this thread is not about style of work it is about standard of work,

Do you disagree that people can help there dogs along and putting time in increases your chances of getting more out of them?


Awaiting ur reply Dean

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Guest dee mac

think mr hawkins might disagree. yes some with natural ability will learn quicker but in the end theres no subsitute for getting them out there, most get brushed off without even being tried properly, kept locked up for weeks then expected to be a world beater on the one day someone decides to take them out. Then binned off further down the low life chain as being a jacker or what ever the new inword is. give them a proper chance then if they dont make the grade pts. if this was done by all we wouldnt be having this chat and the terrier world wouldnt be full of shit.

there s the answer/post that answers every question ever asked on this site get them out from young age expose them to as much as you can people other dogs livestock travelling in the jeep car van get them walking on lead all these things makes it a whole lot easier when it come s too the business end of things at between 16 and 18 months of age but after all this disappointment is just around the corner and must be met head on give them fair crack of whip but if its not working out thats were it must stop no making excuses no passing on just start again. if it was easy everyone would be at it and dog dealers would be a thing of the past what a nice thought ;)
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First you have to have the proper genetics, then the socialization from pup and forward from there....Expose the young ones to everything you can,your home, other dogs, roads, cars, livestock, etc,so as to prepare them for most any sight or sound........Now your dog is prepared to be the best he can be...Bring him on slowly from 18 months or so.........Both Genetics and environment together make the dog!.....One without the other hurts your chances of a keeper... :big_boss:

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