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out te day for the first

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out the day for the first great. a young bitch and my old bitch

and the lurcher, went to the first hole empty so on to the next

one, snow all stained wit soil happy days! collared up the young bitch

straight in no messing a couple of minutes and out another hole in again

and back out another so put her back on the chain a bit dissapointed

but sure cant expsect to much, at least she traveling. so put the

collar on my old bitch and let her in, got a mark on her at 1.5 so

started to dig broke the sod and then broke the spade f fs so ended

up digging wit the clearing out shovel handy {NOT}. broke in to a dirty

big bolder couldnt to nothing wit it so had to dig again from the

other side broke in again to 2 in the pot so the lurcher went to work

{after they were shot}went really well but no terrier so cleared away

a bit of soil and there she was not moving dead so i dropped into the hole

and pulled her out she was jammed tight {sovacated}fff and f again

[bANNED TEXT] a start fn gutted, hope yas all have a better season ATB brendt73

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Guest ryan161

out the day for the first great. a young bitch and my old bitch

and the lurcher, went to the first hole empty so on to the next

one, snow all stained wit soil happy days! collared up the young bitch

straight in no messing a couple of minutes and out another hole in again

and back out another so put her back on the chain a bit dissapointed

but sure cant expsect to much, at least she traveling. so put the

collar on my old bitch and let her in, got a mark on her at 1.5 so

started to dig broke the sod and then broke the spade f fs so ended

up digging wit the clearing out shovel handy {NOT}. broke in to a dirty

big bolder couldnt to nothing wit it so had to dig again from the

other side broke in again to 2 in the pot so the lurcher went to work

{after they were shot}went really well but no terrier so cleared away

a bit of soil and there she was not moving dead so i dropped into the hole

and pulled her out she was jammed tight {sovacated}fff and f again

[bANNED TEXT] a start fn gutted, hope yas all have a better season ATB brendt73

sorry to here that pal we dug 2 the day as well atb mate

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oh ill keep going. just a shiter but. the young bitch just needs to find a fox in the hole.i dont think ill have any bother out of her from her preformance yesterday. it will give me a chance to take the 10 month pup out aswell to give her a bit of

exprience, let her have a preview of wots to come next year for her

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