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I've not bolted one but last year my old hob kept going to one spot in a burrow my lurcher was marking keenly so after a while I decided to break through and caught a whiff of fox. My missus brought the terrier for me and the rest as they say is history :thumbs: .

I can read the lurcher now when he's marking fox so the ferrets won't be going in with one again.

Bolted a few stoats in the past, shellducks, rats and one cat who decided not to bolt but met its match in stumpy the three legged hob :icon_eek:

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Ive been ferreting for 20 years and have never bolted a fox...... but i do believe people do bolt them with their ferts. I have bolted mink, cats, rats, mice, stoats and the strangest thing of all a grass snake.... I was ferreting next to an old dung heap early one spring and i entered the fert in one hole and 2 seconds later out slithered this snake... I must admit it made me jump

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bolted a fox many years ago the 4 ferrets had been down the hole for 6.5 hrs had my hand down the hole banging for them i went to find something to dig with and my mate came round white saying a fox bolted with the net way down the field then the stinkers came out my mate has done this set with the dogs and cant pick up them :blink: big deep sand set . also bolted a rat thing came oot and crawled up into the hedge thought i was seeeing things :doh: had stoats; weasles, mink, and mice to :yes:

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