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Dogs Opening up

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never had dogs opening up in the open but had them do it through heavy cover in roe etc through frustraition ,nonre of the saluk crosses done it but my freind had abedie crooss who done it hany in the big scots pine woods if you have one that sings as they can kill well away from you all the best

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had a few that would yip on hares... i would rather they didnt but it never made much difference to the size of the bag at the end of a night :thumbs-up:

My thoughts are that what I have seen is that the dog has been started to early on hard to catch rabbits,and I think it is a whine of frustration,I try and start mine minmum of twelve months on lamping rabbits with an easy couple of catches to start like all things dogs on a bit of confidence

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Guest oldskool

i totally agree 100%... but if the problem does ever occurr then i consider it as a minor detail lol... i think on most ground you will go there is always a farm dog barking not so far away. rabbits etc get used to it so i dont think they are going to flea for cover when a lurcher yips a bit here and there??? :hmm: ..... i think its hard to understand why some folk will sell their dogs for that reason??

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ive had a dog or two that wud open up although id prefer it didnt but it never really bothered me

To be honest would never sell a dog on this is a bad trait but so long as the dog caught what it was after thats the main thing.

Back to the original question what do you think causes it

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i have a saluki cross what started yapping on turns all of a sudden, when he had never yapped before even on hares ,( put post on here for advice.)anyway t put it down to the dog getting little bit excited at the beginning of the nights lamping so i gave him a good couple of long slips at the beggining of the night seemed to work a treat then one night out on the lamp he pulled up howling and i mean howling ,thought he'd broke his fecking leg or someat so straight to vets next morning turned out he had pulled a muscle , so now i put it down to he'd picked up a slight injury when he started yapping so just beware guys because there was no evidence what so ever he had injured himself other than the yapping .

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I think frustration is the main cause most long dogs that i have had(salukis) have never opened up but maybe because i never enter to young,,i.e.before about 12 months never been a problem but i personally would never keep a dog that did!

Just my opinion.. :D

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I think frustration is the main cause most long dogs that i have had(salukis) have never opened up but maybe because i never enter to young,,i.e.before about 12 months never been a problem but i personally would never keep a dog that did!

Just my opinion.. :D

it was still filling the pot ,so there was no need to get rid of it !!!!!!!

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