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Wheeler bred dogs?

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Just found this pic of my old 'Wheeler' bred dog, he had a lump of a head on him.

13 months     12 months

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By early are you talking about Dereks root stock because it certainly wasnt red .Just trying to establish when the reds were brought in .Must be someone on here who has records of past breeding .Genuine question .Chocolates are a black mutation but red is a different type altogether.

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i now that the first bitch Derek wheeler started with was red she was the 1st cross Black patterdale dog (jester) nuttall bred dog x tess white one eyed staff the pups I saw from her were mostly reds with some blacks these were when Derek used jester again across sally the 1st cross (father daughter mating) and then using rock a dog owned by SE which he got from Derek bread out of a dog called foxy from Ledbury which was a brother of Dereks patterdale bitch Dilly

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What is the crack with these bloody chocolate patts they look ridiculous. Which bright spark thought that was a good idea they look soft as sh*t.



Did'nt they used to cull every choc. that showed up in litters in the Lakes as they said they were bad 'do'ers' in their words.

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i now that the first bitch Derek wheeler started with was red she was the 1st cross Black patterdale dog (jester) nuttall bred dog x tess white one eyed staff the pups I saw from her were mostly reds with some blacks these were when Derek used jester again across sally the 1st cross (father daughter mating) and then using rock a dog owned by SE which he got from Derek bread out of a dog called foxy from Ledbury which was a brother of Dereks patterdale bitch Dilly


Thats spot on SE sorted the mating between jester and tess and thats where the origanal wheeler line started. God knows whats left of that first stuff in dereks kennel now not much i bet.....

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SE was involved with the second mating jester x half cross jester/ tess as the mating took place at his house but the first mating was arranged with Derek & the owned of jester the mating for this took place in the North east of England were tess (staff) was being kennelled at the time & were jester was, 2 pups were sent back to Derek a brindle dog and the red bitch sally.

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SE was involved with the second mating jester x half cross jester/ tess as the mating took place at his house but the first mating was arranged with Derek & the owned of jester the mating for this took place in the North east of England were tess (staff) was being kennelled at the time & were jester was, 2 pups were sent back to Derek a brindle dog and the red bitch sally.


SE sorted it for derek to go to AD to use jester over one eyed tess which came off boothy which produced a litter all brindle except 1 red bitch sally. Then as said jester was put over sally on the advice of CD which took place at SE place and thats how it started.....

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Derek never came to AD,s as Tess was already in Middlesbrough the litter was 3 pups 1 black dog dead at birth 1 brindle dog 1 red bitch as stated both surviving pups were sent down for Derek. Tess ended her days in Middlesbrough and this was her last litter.

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yes tess ended her days in middlesbourgh but as far as SE as said she wasnt their to start with cant see reason to lie he as so much stuff wrote down going back 30years most what he says matches what you say except that part of first lineing and i have no reason not to beleave him ......

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I know SE very we'll my self true Saxon and I'm not her to have an argument just putting what I know down for some of the terrier lads that we're asking for some back ground on the terriers known as wheeler terriers, what I have put up is what I know for a fact as I am AD and I owned and worked jester from 9 weeks of age, I lined Derek's bitches for him free of charge, we kennelled Tess here in the north till she died . I still have terriers bread down from jester as do a couple of very close friends. I am not trying to claim any fame or gain any thing from this just putting a bit of history down.

Yours in sport


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Well in that case the bit i was told about tess been taken up to yours by derek to be lined must be wrong. Like i said never had no reason before to dought him before as majority is allways right so had to beleave it mate :thumbs: .Glad youve still got stuff from jester mate and the lines still going on his side.Ive got a feeling you will be getting a million and one pms now for pups lol lol ATB TRUE SAXON

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Thanks for the reply True saxon i always got on well with SE and did send jester to him when there wasnt much left of him and he was getting on and finished for work but steve to my knollage couldnt get him to line a bitch and he ended his days down at steves.As said most history SE has is spot on but DW never been to the boro and who can blame him lol,

wiLl try and dig a few old photos out of jester and his off sping and put them on but not the best on a pc.



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