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couple of digs

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some good posts up right now, so i thought i`d might contribute.

it has`nt been the most eventful season, and with a long period of -30 degrees and very litte snow, it looks like the frost will make it a short one as well.


we`ve been starting out my friends young bitch and when finding a new spot we decided to give her a go.

she searched well and found in what appered to be a very large settte.

she worked for about an hour before she came out looking a bit bewildered, so we put in a more experienced dog instead.

after a bit of digging we broke through to a trio of billy`s.



(bitch on the right)


we don`t mind too much if a young terrier comes of his/her quarry, and on this bitch`s next badger encounter she stayed for an hour and a half, loosing parts of her lower lip in the prossess.

i think she`ll become a decent badgerdog, given the time she needs.


we also dug a couple of braces, one just outside of our local church on a sunday, after sermon of course.





the other we dug not far from a friends house, he`s a wildlife photographer so this last pic has been posted on a couple of places.




if i`m lucky i might get another dig or so but i doubt it.

theres always harehunting though, and as i just picked up a garmin astro 220 with a dc40 collar, it at least looks like a long season for the hound.

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