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just redone mine tonight. my 2 are in a cage in the yard and i normally use shredded paper but went and got a bale of hay today and filled the box and the end compartment just to make sure theres plenty. dont normally like hay for bedding but since its so cold and going to get colder ill go back to the paper when it starts to get abit nicer.

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yes your right filled there nest with tea towels and straw last week and moved them out the weather to its that nice i could move in my self. water froze yeasterday first time this year but i change it 2 times a day



dont recomend towels jumpers,,put two old jumpers in last night for them, whent to give them fresh water this morning, and one had got her front clarw stoke in jumper.... was trying to bit throue jumper and twisting round... not a good thing to see. glad i found her when i did .

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Good stuff, I've wrapped their water bottles in tin foil, then a sock over that then tin foil again, Should stop it freezing so quick



Cheers for that ! I'm going to try this because their bottle has frozen up every day for nearly a week. I'm constantly checking it.


The big ferret shed is well insulated, with wool and ply, and their nest boxes are lined with wool carpet [ i paid a tenner for a big roll end ] to prevent draughts. They're warmly bedded with a 12.5 tog duvet that they burrow into.


I do worry a bit about my albino hob, because he lives alone so there's no shared body heat. So we moved his hutch into the outhouse where the heatlamp is for a bit more shelter. Hubby lined all his upstairs hutch with the carpet, and he has a hooded cat bed with wool blankets for bedding [ paid 2 quid each from a charity shop for them ]

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Good stuff, I've wrapped their water bottles in tin foil, then a sock over that then tin foil again, Should stop it freezing so quick



Cheers for that ! I'm going to try this because their bottle has frozen up every day for nearly a week. I'm constantly checking it.


The big ferret shed is well insulated, with wool and ply, and their nest boxes are lined with wool carpet [ i paid a tenner for a big roll end ] to prevent draughts. They're warmly bedded with a 12.5 tog duvet that they burrow into.


I do worry a bit about my albino hob, because he lives alone so there's no shared body heat. So we moved his hutch into the outhouse where the heatlamp is for a bit more shelter. Hubby lined all his upstairs hutch with the carpet, and he has a hooded cat bed with wool blankets for bedding [ paid 2 quid each from a charity shop for them ]



Checked the water this morning and it's nowhere near frozen so i'll stick to doing it this way from now on :thumbs:

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