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POI shift after fitting bipod

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My .243 has, after fitting a bipod, decided to shift POI nearly 18 inches left at 180 yards. The bipod is a standard sling swivel mount, and is not in direct contact with the barrel. I'm thinking of taking the bipod off again (not too keen on the extra weight anyway) though I like the convenience. What do you lot reckon? I could zero out the shift, and the scope will be replaced shortly anyway (when I find some high Parker Hale mounts) so not too worried about the zero changing.

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Very often poi changes are down to technique changes in hold/position/hold pressure and follow through all can radically alter your shot I would try the same position but off a bag that way you determine the exact cause.

All my rifles have a huge free float on the barrel and a stiff stock non of them have a change in impact with bipod fitted.

Your rifle isn't by chance a mannlicher prohunter is it cause they are renowned for poi change with a bipod fitted

Edited by danw
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I would suggest that this is a case of the stock touching the barrel when the bipod is fitted. If the barrel is free floated (business card fits between stock and barrel all the way up to the action) check it again when resting on the pod, I bet it is now touching, especially if you have a mod fitted. 18" is far too much to be related to technique change. Is it a very slim sporter barrel?

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