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a friend of mine told me of a dog he used to have for pre ban fox, it was a greyhound x (either german shepard or alsation) not sure which one it was but he did say it was one of the best dogs he had worked, does anyone work these and if so what are they like, and have you any pictures :big_boss:

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I've seen a couple work.The first was an out and out fox dog and the owner never used it for anything else.he would always have it with him on a dig in case of a bolt and take it out very regularly lamping charlie (pre ban obviously) and it was certainly very good at its job.

The other was used as a general lamping dog (mostly rabbits) and to be honest wasn't that impressive.It was quite a clever dog with a good hearding instinct but was never realy quick enough to do the job regular.Although it was quite heavy and only worked now and again so fit,ripped & at the correct weight he may have been a different beast.


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going back a few years now i had a first x alsation greyhound 27tts and weighed 75lb , he was outstanding in the lamp and reguarly took 2s and 3s on hares daytime. very good on the big stuff as well. to look at him you wouldn t think he d catch a cold but looks don t kill! i also don t know why there not more popular, you very rarely see a litter advertised.

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