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crow decoying with owl

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went out shooting yest in snow to try my new owl decoy out stuck it on the biggest most clear view fence post i could find stuck a maggpie on a post 3 posts up past it and 1 crow decoy about 10yards away aswell as a callin crow, we had a bit of interest at first one came over think he was just gliding over we had him, then quiet for a good while untill 3 big black buggers came over they looked like they was in the army on a scouting mission swapping trees just to get better look never came within 70 yards or so but watch for 5mins



would the snow effect them?

has [NO TEXT TALK] else done this type of decoying?

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aswell as a callin crow,


you forgot to mention that you was only taking pictures, as everyone knows using electronic callers is illegal


what if it was in a larson trap in the same field and i cant see anywhere him saying it was an electronic caller .

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as a callin crow,



i cant see anywhere him saying it was an electronic caller .


then look above,CALLIN its a term for an electronic crow decoy,otherwise,he would of used the word CALLING, funnily enough, I don't see any mention of a larson trap in the first post either


the difference here, is I was simply trying to educate those who don't know the law, whereas it seems you just want to moan at a mod



why is it illegal :hmm: only god knows, theres lots of stupid laws out there, that contradict each other, we all know that electronic calls get used for things other than photography, but on an OPEN FORUM, its best to cover yourself when admitting to using one, by adding in the picture taking bit

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Didn't realise the callin crow was illegal 2 use for devoting crows in 2 shoot


then you need to check out the BASC website, and check out the do's and don'ts before going out shooting again


not only, respect for your quarry, but using the excuse


"I did'nt know" will not stand up in a court of law

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has anyone else done this type of decoying?


Ive tried all sorts to decoy crows and magpies in, have the large plastic owl, have tried fence posts and also lofting up a very high tree, have tried all sorts to no avail, my best day was simply using a dead rabbit,belly up, once Id shot the first magpie, they start piling in to look at their dead commrade, then simply popped one at a time, until the figured out I was there



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Get yourself a shot fox and stake that out in a field......... Crows hate them and will come and mob it... Even more if you put a dead crow near the fox.


had heard that myself, but have failed as yet to find a cheap fox decoy, dont really want to pay huge amounts, but staking up a dead fox seems the answer :thumbs:


have just secured a new permission with 100's of crows daily :thumbs:

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