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bite treatments and wounds

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I would use multijet,if my dogs ever got bittern,very rare you need other antibiotics,if this is put in wounds for a couple of days.Good stuff.



very good for the job, does a multitutde of other things including like removing the scum from sheeps eyes...


tetra delta is another good tube for the job, or any tube for mastitis marked with MC...



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Hydrogen peroxide is a flesh killer and not recommended mate .It kills anything it touches including living tissue cells and seriously impedes the healing time .Warm water is the first cleanser to use followed by salt water .I never use any form of antibiotic on a minor wound ie bites punctures or small slashes .I do however use a wound powder or a wound cream which speeds up natural healing ie dermisol.Reserve the antibiotics for when needed in a crisis and they will work much faster than when used needlessly on a minor wound .The dogs own antibodies will fend off all but the worst case which should have been seen by a vet anyway .


Dont agree with you there mate, back in the day when we used to set dogs down in the square, hydrogen peroxide would always be my 1st choice for flushing wounds and punctures, 1 part peroxide to 4 parts water, I have never experienced this impeding healing at all either. I can only assume you have never used it yourself or you have used it neat without diluting it 1st. I would reccomend this over any other method 1st and once Im sure everything is clean and healing will use boiled water with salt. (left to cool obviously).

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