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light glare off mod

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As stated im having trouble when lamping with my Anschutz 17hmr i have the clulite shootalite on my scope and i cant see past the glare very well as the light is causing a blur in the scope. Its fine on my 22rf no light glare at all. Could it be down to the very short barrel ive tried a neoprene mod cover no good and ive tried a bike innertube still got glare. Ive even tried a small plastic sleeve around the outside edge of the lamp still no good. I must use the 17hmr as the shots are about 100-120 yards, Any tips welcome.

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I tried the mod cover, didn't work.


I tried to camo wrap the barrel, wasn't great.


I tried the flower pot, with just limited success.


I tried moving where the lamp was on the scope, again no great shakes.


Then, I found the solution.........


Electrical tape!


Please note, do not get tape on the lens of your scope. What I done was go out with my lamp and rifle and a roll of tape. I picked out a tree 130 yards distant. Gradually, starting from the bottom I applied tape across the end of my sunshade. This started to improve my sight picture so I kept going until I now have the bottom 1/3rd of the opening taped up so no reflected light can get in. I guess with differences in mods, barrel lengths, scope positions, etc. everyone will have to experiment to find the right level to solve their problem, but, it worked for me and, it's cheap!



Edited by JohnGalway
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Thanks for the great replies,I cant mount the lamp underside of my barrel as there is not enough room between mod and stock. I will try the tape on the lamp trick as i never found a flower pot close to my lamp size at home but will have a look at work for one. Thanks again for the comments everyone. :thumbs:

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